
Check into the new cities and the force migration in to them. etc etc.. The "masters" will be like daddy.. but not a loving on but one with a wicked back hand and permission to exterminate. Peace

Making a statement without and backup? Dont see it that way. Hes odd but think hes got the right heart. Make video.. expose him if it needs done. I will watch. thanx for comment though.

Most welcome. Good stuff.rn

Well done. Was in middle of doing a short on palatir but now need to stop and add more. lol. Thats great! Good research and keep after it, there is much much more..:) subd!


They are all coming out of the closet..


Thanks, people need to wake up and smell Bs before we have 5G technology and then it will be too late to stop them, I am creating a mass action campaign on FB and will upload another vid on this. check out my website for more info

Yo chuck idk but this was mirror right after you upload. double post?

Super video i love it

lol the channel at the end is just Jones forwards and Jones backwards so it appears as Jones Senoj open your eyes people.

RED DOGG, yes sir!!!!!!! cheers brother.

Jason, somehow my video got uploaded twice. The video is called "Elaine" and it ended up in some anonymous account. It’s in an account called anonymous18884. Please remove it when you get time. I think the account can be removed too. It seems like some kind of fluke thing created it when I uploaded the video. Thanks

That’s what they do. Steal your ideas and suicide you if you don’t cooperate.

Vimeo is where is I got all the Hampstead Cover-Up videos, and they deleted that page on April 26, 2016, which was Alisa Dearman’s 11th birthday, because VIMEO EATS BABIES.

Nice vid! lol’d at the smokey and bandit scene reference.

That’s fixing the effect of the (((problem)))...not the cause of the (((problem))). Trump was saying the same thing the other day about violent movies and video games. All you’re doing is pissin in the wind.

129 views only 6 patreons, Y’all cough up a dollar c’mon we’re talking 1 cheeseburger at McDonalds here!

The Brother Nathaniel type of jew is the greatest danger of them all because he hides behind another identity. A jew is a jew no matter what. A look into the Babylonian Talmud tells you that. He talks openly about the jewsh problem then he hides behind the catholic church which is ran by mason jewry of the jesuits. The Catholic church has always been baal worshippers.

This song will go down in history.