
Great Information 👍🏻

Really ? A downvote on this ? Is Reszneki on here or what ? Lol

Good Job on this big simple truth upload Henry. Great work as always

Cheers just love it.

They’re trying to make Big Brother indispensable. There is no other protector than Big Brother. Zombie apocalypse ahead. Minimum wage consumers from every corner of the earth welcome to US of Idiocracy.


Ms. RATT stole her speech from Chairman Mao, LOL

It’s dehydration. No one bleeds or cries anymore because they are dried up....and variations in the Sun’s output do not affect climate...and, I promise not to cum in your mail.

big papa truth signing off im all about the truth as you see there not aha salute souljah top video

thst dang bullet always gets lodged. i must be getting old. back in my days they usually always removed the bullets. the world has changed.

Anything in the US is gonna cause us problems. Hopefully this battle is won. Plus a bare server without ddos protection is suicide. We get ddosed all day long. This box is a hot item :/

Great vid

God’s Speed

Leeds is a shill without a question in my mind. Why is Halbig always surrounded by shills?

David Hogg was born in the year 2000

No swelling or bruising at all, I say bullshit!

This is eerily similar to Boston. No need for ambulances here, we got plenty of wheelchairs and a huge tent down the street.

Nice. If Amazon cause you problems it’s easy enough to move. A dedicated server can deal with the traffic.

This hoax is the one that sent mrcati to the shill farm.