
3:01 Look at that leg that isn’t lined up!

His missing leg at the end I believe is cause he doesn’t have a leg! Don’t be surprised if the fake news claims he has to remove one of his legs, like the Boston Hoaxathon bitch that claimed a year later she was mad at her foot and had it removed.

That’s to cover up that it’s not screwed into his leg!

Yep! Look at 0:43! No freaking way that leg is attached at his hip!

look close at 0:30 and 0:39!! I don’t think his left leg is attached to his hip! I think that’s a fake leg! It’s his left side! look how it doesn’t line up with his hip! Guys don’t have hip flexibility, so that isn’t legit! Even guy dancers can’t get their hips out from their leg like that!

That wrap on his leg around 40 seconds looks like a hack job.

Jewrasic Liars is the channel that covers that the most

ouch. Its a war bro. Maybe I am not common cored enough if I am not worried about an O. An O will be the least of these guys worries if they don’t stop.

David Hogg says from the closet its 9.30 am? At 2:30 p.m. multiple 911 calls ? That sure was a long time to be stuck in a closet. rn

David Hogg says from the closet its 9.30 am? At 2:30 p.m. multiple 911 calls ? That sure was a long time to be stuck in a closet. rn

David Hogg says from the closet its 9.30 am? At 2:30 p.m. multiple 911 calls ? That sure was a long time to be stuck in a closet. rn

AML. Have a nice time at Donut Corner tonight. Do not do anything stupid = Do nothing I would do. For example: Dancing on the tables. And say stupid things to bikers.

yes they are harming the hearts and minds of the people it is awful. i hope they get the ultimate karmic back lash

Impact from the drill grenade the robber drops with his left hand as he is approaching the counter - shook a good radius and knocked dirt/dust out of the ceiling tiles would be my guess.

NAOMI = 25 29.. I think this may be linked to TRUMP = 25 29.. NAOMI LEVY = 44 the KILL = 44 number..

Bro not to be a grammar Nazi but you need to learn the difference between the words "to" and "too" it makes you look ignorant in these types of videos. Much love, thumbs up.

It was indeed a circus. Speaking of clowns, did you know that just 3 days prior to the Charlottesville staged event, the Audience channel aired a TV show pilot about a psychopath with a clown mask running over a crowd of people? The predictive programming is just astonishing.


Was this really a photo of Nikolas Cruz ? This guy is a left hander. So is HOGG?