
if it gets too hot for them, they will come out with the story that both a drill and the shooting were going on simultaneously. with a crime, you should establish a school rich kid such bullshit

Thanks Bro! I plan on calling them out more and more. It’s not by chance they are always there lol! Thanks for the Support👍🏻

He will probably get to play the Hero at the next Staged Event.. lol


Everyone on earth has been deeply affected by these deep Ste staged hoax’s I know that the good smart people who know they were fake are affected the most by far

you would think there would be a couple decent investigators and competent attorney wanting to jump all over this. this is where I start thinking cruz is completely involved. the statement he also made if it’s true, he was going to be a "professional " shooter well professional shooters get paid they dropped hints on fox yesterday "cruz was acting peculiar ..laughing at times" all court documents sealed Concealed from the public the freaking sheriff blatantly assured everyone that zero video would be released. How many time’s do you have to be squarely kicked straight in the nuts?

Why are people still defending agent Alex Jones, I really do not understand it.

yeah no gun shot wounds visible

Hey you are like that one dude on here the guy that goes they got the sonnnnn in the name and the mannnnn and the OR

I agree. Seems like they removed the immobilizer not expecting the camera to pan so wide as to reveal the deception.

I blame legal! I should have caught as well. :/ Good eyes.

You have to spell ’Infringing’ correctly. It’s NOT ’infrinnging’, as it appears in your notice. :)

Excellent:) Keep Digging!!!!👍🏻

Yes in deed! I just seen two kids in the grocery story walking around playing lil Wayne music in the store like the were tough lmao! If they only knew!

Do not both "legs" look pristine with not a mark or scratch?

Way too much smoke, prob blanks. Shoot at indoor ranges never all that smoke

No kidding. We are in a dark place and these tough guy hip hop guys are all flamers and these kids walk around imitating fake toughness. And like you said..even Pac. He talked about a time Quincy Jones wanted to get down but sure he sold his shOul

Thanks Bro! I’m glad to be done with that research! Talk about disgusting! Lmao

Thanks for putting this up. I put a couple of comments up on YT on the TODAY video. -- This is looking like Rebekah Gregory redux.

Like wise BPT and thanks to you I have even more video for the next show where we see that idiot with no traction on his fake injury at all.