
So why the cervical collar? lol Did she rupture a disc too?

I’m not so sure it switched legs, but I know he wouldn’t be swinging it around like that. It’s called an external fixator and its purpose it to help keep things still and immobilized. This is as fake as the one they put on Melissa Cochran who wore hers for MONTHS

Nice find!

I had to play it a few times and laughed every time.....

nice catch they are just rolling them out one after the other

Love the correction .

Yes !

Joining after this weekend. I’ll do what I can and hopefully more in subsequent months.

Great video MAN !!! Keep up the great work!

I know the patriots will come. I am so confident I am putting together a design doc and some priorities that we need fixed first...we will hit the ground running.

Thats no good :(

It’s like they are doing it on purpose. Mocking....

Exactly lol, all that money they spent on acting class wasn’t worth a damn

David Hogg squeals like a Pig.


Wow is right, these scumbags all had their agendas and scripts memorized long before this drill took place,

Nothing to see there Mike, that’s normal! You’re right, for some reason people can’t see this garbage.

Great Stuff:)

Yeah , but it’s not this person’s video , It’s clearly and obviously ODD Reality speaking . At least I’m giving some credit to the people’s videos I mirror on here . Well........................ I give credit when I can actually remember who I downloaded the video from . Lol . Hope everything is OK with you .

Bam!!! A phony fake show can happen any fake time and every fake news channel.