
I aint buying Mr. Awake.

Mr. Awake, I am confused. Are you for or against the official story?

Yes! The money remains in the bank.

Russ Redfern. You are perfect as a voice over – I like your voice.

A historical document of unimaginable proportions every kid should see if we want to change the world.

Lenny, since I know you and your boy band watch everything here, if you cant tell I dont mess around, I will be the one that gets you. Every time you DCMA me, I will dig deeper into your rats nest. Brother if you have never heard of Hackyard, do some research. I used to run it. People in my group included Mitnick and a ton of high level hackers. Your talking to r3dsp1d3r. You are way outclassed and if you want to prove it, continue your attacks here. I will have you DOX’d so badly, everything to this point will be a joke.

Thanks brother , we haven’t even begun on this government paid bitch !

Every bully has to learn that not everyone is a punk. I see Pozners trail of evil and even though I am late in the game, but I will be the one to booty stomp him. I am just about done playing around. He has beat on patriots enough.

It is war !

Well done again Jason, top man!"Brown Jacket" ?!?! Is little baby Penny Lozner now claiming copyright on brown jackets too? LMAO

We need GameTimeWoo on 153!!

Aw, Little Penny Lozner sitting in the corner sulking like a big baby. Boo Hoo LYING Len!

Good stuff

That cash is safe!!! Get video!! Earth is flat!!!

I will accept 10.000$ if ST can prove Huzaifa Huxaifa died at Sandy Hook!

Break The Walllllls Dowwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn (Y2J’s entrance theme)

you smashed the video dude salute to you!

Accidents involving a cell phone. Source ’Of these, 1.6 million have a cell phone involved in them. That’s 64% of all the road accidents in the United States. Over half the road accidents in the States have cell phones involved, and if this doesn’t make you realize just how potent it is, what will?’’1 out of 4 car accidents in the US are caused by texting while driving.’ ’Texting and driving is 6 times more likely to get you in an accident than drunk driving. That’s right, it is actually safer for someone to get wasted and get behind the wheel than to text and do it.’

It’s not David Wheeler, it’s Agent Aldren....uh, wait...