
Trump is disgusting. Same with Obama and so on. All the same sideshow.

Lift The Veil’s vid I mentioned to ST is no longer on YT.

All is fair in love, war and conspiracy investigations. One has to walk in ST and CG’s shoes to understand what it is like. I understand. It takes confidence. It takes a certain mindset. One can post evidence from 2000 miles away from an event, but actually putting foot on ground at or near the event is what it is about. ST and CG: salute!

Great bunch of terrrosits, thanks for showing.

I assume HONR is non-prof? Strip that title away! Appeal the non-prof status. 😀

Cause he probably was the producer and director of that movie.

My feeling is no. His son is fictitious as many have shown. If he was part of a hoax then odds are his name at least is made up to fit the hoax code/ its a masonic name. You will see alot of duplicate names in hoaxes like Parker, for example. These names either code into some inversion, blasphemy , or are a gematria numeric that associates with baphomet. Pozner the ponzi schemer. His "son" Noah, a biblical reference, killed by Adam. Christ hoax codes, etc. The names just fit a script, imo


Thanks, but it was very difficult to understand. Where can I read the transcripts? Thanks.

Brilliant 😂🤣

Peekay Mirror -

I watched the videos and did not seem confrontational, but could imagine an arrest and marginalization would be expected. I would be interested in the "Jewish" person who paid for temporary structures in Sutherlund Tx. Sometimes I believe confronting the events lengthens the news cycle of these events. Possibly there is a balance.

The sheep are too blind to see the bullshit. One fake shooting after another.

Yep, that’s not how screens behave if damaged in such a way. Total BS!

Nobody can have ANY argument with that.

Exactly, and there’s us thinking a church is supposed to be a place of refuge for anybody?!? Laughable actions on their part against CG.

houses of the holy it was not just a song we were to know many things number 1 we are part of a living light system this system communicates

Exactly! It’s always funny how some simply believe that their country "right or wrong" has such a hallowed history when a simple investigation of the FACTS clearly prove otherwise. As soon as he showed that image of the Boston Massacre my eyes rolled, what Wade claims is utter nonsense. (Yet again NOT backed up by any facts which frankly is Wade’s calling card)

It’s always nice when someone puts up a video like Wade has here attacking people with no substantiating evidence whatsoever backing up their constant assertions that events like Sandy Hook were real. As usual the fraud that is Wade attacks the messengers instead of offering any facts to prove his point that Sandy HOAX ever happened. Pathetic!

Very thorough analysis. Combine this with Peekays stuff and there is no doubt.