
Great video! I’d never seen close ups of Atlanta before this, but boy is it obvious now that I have! Hard to believe that most of us fell for it hook, line and sinker. I guess that at the time, we weren’t tuned in to even thinking about hoaxes. Also, the Gabby Giffords thing is so incredibly obvious that I can’t believe that everyone doesn’t see it. All she does is speak very slowly and sometimes makes a grimace or two that are clearly fake. I’ve heard of you as a video maker for a long time, but this is the first video of yours that I’ve seen. I really liked it, so thank you!!

Truth in entertainment. Good to see you posting new stuff RV.

I think that these videos you do every so often are a really good thing. They not only keep people up to date, but they build trust. Trust in the fact that this really is a place for truth and that we’re all in this together. I, for one, really appreciate you doing this so, THANK YOU!!!

Sorry, grand son’s all grabby today and want’s to type too. "probably be better then I"Here’s that link

You might be interested to know this - It’s now midnight in Italy and since 12:30 this morning (basically twelve hours), I’ve seen THREE mainstream media articles talking about the proper way to wear an oxygen mask in an airplane and how dangerous it is when you don’t wear it properly, LIKE SOME OF THE PEOPLE IN THE SOUTHWEST AIRLINES ACCIDENT!!! Can you believe that??? Since when does the msm write three articles in twelve hours about something like this?? If I’ve seen three articles myself, who knows how many more are out there?!? They made a huge mistake and now they’ve got the whole propaganda machine going full force to counter the mistake. You caught it!!! Haha!! Great job!! They know they’re up against people like you and they’re running for cover!!

oops, "as long as it’s caulk" I’d love to show ya but... lol ;-) here’s a link over at (RV’s) place were I describe said stencil. Thx for you efforts. 153NEWS ROCKS <3

And when you look at all their sites and see the billions of dollars of high tech equipment , speed boats , urban warfare vehicles , planes and helicopters it just blows your mind of how much waste there is in this government . I think we all know what all this new equipment is meant for and it sure isn’t some imaginary boogiemen in some distant cave .

I don’t mind "to often" I got’s no channel, I just find it fun to close my comments like a Sally Struthers infomercial. Everybody in the prey chain finds me over in (russianvideos) yard and email me how funny they find my "for the cost of a cup of (channel) a day 153news could house a homeless (FEMACamps) near you." bit. (RV) seem’s OK with the draw and not mind my vary long comments. I promote this site to everyone I know and talk to, also post 1/4 sheet size flyers (like show bills) on every cork board thought of for miles around. also just finishing a spray paint stencil for the tail gate of the truck, the guys of the club (scooters) want to paint the inside of their coats, ? it’s dead space, guess that’s cool? plus I asked my sister in law (sheriff) about stenciling in public and was informed

hahahaha this just so bad yt are losing the plot

Right on !

Ugh!! I don’t like either the idea of them flying around up there or the fact that they’ve bought that many rounds. If they’re supposed to "protect the Homeland" and nobody is attacking the damn homeland then I’d guess those bullets must be for US!! The minute I heard the name of the agency, when it was founded, I thought it sounded like some type of futuristic police state name. Looks like that’s exactly what it is. What kind of loser would work for them anyway? Definitely not something to be proud of!!!

Flight 1380. It’s interesting what you can do with that number.

PARASITES! These creatures are more revolting (and far more dangerous) than tapeworms!!!

I think they are pushing female empowerment with this one. If you’ve noticed here’s a lot of that going around this year. They could also be recruiting young women into becoming jet pilots in the Air Force. They always have more than one agenda. Their motto: Many Birds, One Stone.

Downloading and sending out posts of RV’s, Side thorn’s, Gary King’s and jefferson girl’s seem’s to be working as I perceive my family prey chain is visiting said channels. Telling them "side thorn’s" a place I’ll drop comments, but I live in RV’s yard. So everybody in this (5k+) prey chain, "who has the time" come’s here ,1st to RV’s channel and then scans for any posts in the others listed. At lest it’s what I’m told in Emails from the members. So I just perused said channels, and the #’s seem to conclude the emails are fact. The list of channels I sent all seem to have a much greater count then the rest here. "hmm could be?"Funny non of them(on chain) ask "were’s your channel" FEMACamps.? 83 emails, not one concern towards homeless FEMACamps. :-( lol Nooo... there’er all about how cool RV, Gus,Jim,Gary and Ole are. Oh well, it’s nice to see tho’s view counts spin. Don’t know why it tickles me so, but it dose. You know, prey chains rub elbows with other chains as well, no telling how many will hear the call to 153news. I promote this channel(RV’s) and 153 all over the place. I just made a 3 step spray paint stencil set, 1st stencil is a 10" bulls eye with the outer ring much thicker then the others (3x as thick), 2nd stencil is 153NEWS in 4.5" block style lettering, all in all it’s 14" long so 2" over hang on both sides of the bulls eye (banner look across the bulls eye). 3rd stencil is a ring that fits over said THICK outer ring, this ring is where is listed my favorite channels, looks like a clock face in said ring. Still working on that stencil tho, it’s hard to cut letters that size in poster board with the x-acto knife, still have room for more channels too. I’d love to show you all how cool this looks but...I have no channel. grrr So if your from the family prey chain "FEMACamps" is me (Gunnar), please drop a line to 153news (attn.BIG WIG) and maybe we can convince them that all voices count. Oh and to the other creators, I still have room for more channels on this spray paint stencil. "hint hint" Maybe I should have a UVC sun glasses give a way.? I ask people if they believe china sent a rover to the moon 2013, most don’t. Yet they do believe in our moon shots 1959. 52 years earlier.? I grew up with "class clown" influences of Mr. Carlin and to this day still exhibit a playfulness to life in same manners as George ("o-r-g-e","o-r-g-e") "it’s bit" Carlin and Steve Martin. To bad Mr.Carlin let him self get so bitter in the end and not keep his trap shut about certain things, that weren’t funny and most go to see Carlin for laughs. "like that Hick’s guy" Both of them should have just stayed the funny guys, I think we’ed still have them cracking us up today. In fact my dad’s name is George and my name "Gunnar" means George in my native tongue (norwegian). ochin spasiba RV ,Thx folks and of course 153NEWS ROCKS Oh the 1st videos I sent out were from (Hampstead Cover-Up) channel please show some support by dropping in and saying hi, maybe watch a video or two. "pssst" tell them FEMACamps sent ya. LINK ( ) This video is tense but short. ( ) <3

There are some big gals that use testosterone.


When I first became aware that things are not as we are told, when I first began to ’wake up’, there were many topics which at first I thought too crazy to be possible. As time went on I found that those arguments held much more water than I thought.

Sorry to complain, TheVoiceofReason, but it’s also a hindrance that when pausing a video to read something the video goes so dark as to defeat the purpose of pausing it. Is there anything you can do to not shade a video when it’s paused?