
and he was rallied pre birth, plz this is so much b.s.. it’s all about the children. who are in their mid 20’s..

Great vid ! Another Texas based hoaxster imagine that , what a corrupt cesspool ...

Come on now-a-days a kid can’t get a job other than being a paid shill.

OMG, I forgot the monkey legally bought an AR-15 and it had big rounds or clips magazines or what ever will scare you the most with the uncorrect lingo,

Sorry, forgot to mention that when there’s a real event in an airplane, the passengers ALWAYS exit the plane by the slides, not the doors. Just like you showed in the video.

another excellent vid! I woke up after looking at stuff after sandy hoax and spent my whole life thinking this can’t be real as a little kid. Growing up as a very little kid who was spared from the deadly strap at little school when I pointed out it was the commie Walter Conckite (sic) the principal let us go home. Watching the only thing on tv was the endless news stuff about jfk...My dad and I were watching Oswald get shot and he said this is total bullshit! No one could ever without having the permission or knowledge of the local police to get this close. So I grew up not really watching the news as I knew it was not really correct. Like when one tv was the norm trying to change the channel to see the other channels view of the same story. Even though they were owned by by many different companies they are now down to six or so. SO it’s all b.s.. But today a rare Peruvian nogna monkey has escaped from the zoo and (didn’t he hit the time clock??) joined isis or isil and killed 400,o27 junior high students today and we have footage from David Hogg .Excellent all around JG..

Thanks for another GREAT VIDEO!!! Where were all of the papers and napkins from drinks and all the other things that should have been flying around the cabin after the window supposedly broke?? Also, once when I was flying from NYC to Italy the pressure in the cabin went off for about three minutes by the clock, over the Atlantic. I’ve never felt such ear pain in my entire life and my ears were still hurting four hours later when we landed. When this happened EVERYONE on the plane was screaming at the top of our lungs. This was more than 20 years ago and I still remember it to this day. I didn’t see jack sh*t happening in that airplane!! What a fake!!! Also, I don’t know how you find all of this stuff about these people, but it’s just incredible. They know we’re going to catch them and they don’t seem to care!! Thanks again!!

That sheriff department is one of the most corrupt in the entire country and not only calls bondsmen to not bail you out but also gives out all personal information on their targets to anyone who wants it to use against them . Demons .

and all for what to terrorize and subjugate the american people apparently. Sure as hell isn’t making us safer. I knew they were bad news from the very get go. Damn bastards.

What disturbs me the most is the ever willing rank and file participants ready to serve the agenda. I know you guys have seen it first hand when you come up against these drones. The non player characters really serve their purpose... I am wondering just how many real humans there are on this plain....??

I’m with you brother. Very reasonable perspective.

Yes in his Gavua/lemon suit to show the trendy colors in denim and the awareness of eating fruits..Oh yeah he is a fruity looking guy. ALL men know where their wallet is! If kept in the back pocket or in the suit it can be unsightly and uncomfortable so most keep it in the pants pocket right next to your nut sack..It is also better and harder for pickpockets to get at..But his oneworld pawn doesn’t have any nuts or dick even though he is a dick.let watch don lemon cry more.

Yep! That’s EXACTLY what I’m afraid of!! Since I don’t live there I’m not afraid for myself, but my daughter and the rest of my family and friends are still there and I’m American so I feel these things as if I was physically there too. Plus the fact that Italy copies the US in everything, so the next thing that’ll happen is that we’ll get the message to get with the program and it’ll be all over for us too!!

I have actually been on a plane that we though was going down and in the military I know of quite a few people who where on flights that almost and one that actually did go down but they survived. Your asshole will be so puckered tight and your pants will fill with shit so quickly through the whole ordeal. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY will be posting there experience on anything. The media is getting more ridiculous by the second.

As I told Jeffersonian Girl, in the past twelve hours I’ve seen THREE mainstream media articles about the correct way to put on an oxygen mask!! If I alone have seen three articles, imagine how many there are. Either they made a big mistake in the hoax and it was obvious by the way people were wearing them that it wasn’t real or else there’s something even weirder going on, but I don’t know what it is. Thanks for the video!!

Thanks for your support, FEMACamps !

Thanks, Zack! Cheers!

I always love your videos and your commentary is epic. Thanks for upload and the great work.😉

I guess I’m lucky to have only seen the guy once. When he did that video driving around looking at homeless people. He sounds like an absolutely HORRIBLE person, so I’m glad I’ve only seen him once. Thanks for the update and I’ll cross my fingers that I can continue to avoid the guy!!

100% fake. Scott Kelley looks like he gained weight while in ’space’?