
Bad guys are everywhere .

Cool video . Thanks for Posting !

I see that fraud post on various channels. People don’t know it isn’t the real Peekay.

You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not the clothes that you wear. Favorite Fight Club quote. I use to post to my CIAbook page & it would piss off all of my zombie connections. lol. I didn’t hear about this mainstream news fairytale today. Just got home. I will research.

All of the years Carlin spoke truth, trying to wake people up. People laughed, and agreed with him, but they still fell for the bullshit lies.

They are never going to give up R.V...... they are ever willing agents getting paid for their contributions.... no souls.

Full support !

Is there any damage at all to the side of the plane, only a missing window?

The best day of their life , no doubt . Rot in hell demons ...

Amen to that! Mr. Martinez says after the window got blown out, he was searching for his wallet so he could pay for wi-fi to stream everything live. This is total Bullshit! Finding your credit card to pay for wi-fi is the last thing a person would be worried about.

I believe I have read, speaking about the main victim, "there was blood everywhere". At -0:26, and elsewhere. I see no blood.


what a wanker

It sure looks fake. I just wonder what is the agenda with this? Distraction from some other big story? Or for the airlines to get more money for more "plane maintenance," or ??? What is this nonsense all about? I’m pretty sure they have reasons to promote this shit.

Wow ...

and he was rallied pre birth, plz this is so much b.s.. it’s all about the children. who are in their mid 20’s..

Great vid ! Another Texas based hoaxster imagine that , what a corrupt cesspool ...

Come on now-a-days a kid can’t get a job other than being a paid shill.

OMG, I forgot the monkey legally bought an AR-15 and it had big rounds or clips magazines or what ever will scare you the most with the uncorrect lingo,

Sorry, forgot to mention that when there’s a real event in an airplane, the passengers ALWAYS exit the plane by the slides, not the doors. Just like you showed in the video.