
It’s an airplane dropping some type of charge that is blowing up. It is reflecting on a contrail from an airplane that previously flew by. The pulse is showing the other airplane’s contrail as the devices dropped by this aircraft explode in the dark.

Totally agree.. this whole thing seems scripted.. like an attempt to get rid of public comment and reduce free speech. This was a clearly coordinated attack, hence the same exact phrases used by so many callers. This seems so fake.

She knows him well and so do I.

The Simpsons are FAR more accurate than the fakestream media in predicting what`s coming our way You`re correct in your comments 008 ,and I`d make a crappy kosher Jew

indeed. good work. ALL set up, from the get--go. Their plan, to take control, of everything, to enslave, submit and K1ll people, at (their) will. We know who ... "they" are, dont we?? smh

yes. these are aliens, and I am Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant together without ever touching a basketball. Hah ha. Aliens ... the alien card (Jackson’s game) being played now? sick & tired, of these psychos at large (in power positions).

amen. Nuf said. Never isolated, the alleged vi.rus. Nuf said again.

Brother, that is city slicker thinking. If you don’t have a gun to bring an animal down then you lose your meat and the ability to kill your dog humanely if a vet isn’t available. I have had to cut a cows throat and kill them by a machete to their arteries. It’s a very sucky thing to do. A gun is a miracle of ingenuity and every single person alive should have a pistol, a shotgun, and a rifle. The smaller the person, the smaller the caliber. If the entire world were armed and trained properly the world would be a much better place. Criminals thrive because people don’t have the firepower and don’t know how to use it properly if they do. Guns are amazing. The world would be way sicker without them. And take it from a guy who had to deal with ending lives using a blade. A gun is much simpler and me..everything fights for life, regardless of how sick they are having your throat cut on the way far worse.

No, thats a natural gas tank explosion

That’s Funny I did too, and I may have to dig mine up again, it’s more about compliance though, no one questioned me when I wore one, they want you masked up regardless of what it looks like.

you’re a good man, O M G

This even out-dies Obama and Trump and every other masonic nigger-dick-sucking fag-puppet that they’ve ever had. This they HIGHLIGHTED and fed to you right at the Senate swearing-in ceremony that it was a child-raping nigger. They showed images of one of the Biden’s with a dark skin under it’s mask. They show images with an ear lobe attached and an ear lobe flopping loose. This country is a masonic/Jesuit/Zionist/homosexual/satanic/voodoo/nigger shit show. Humans have been order-followers. We have let them starve us out our.labds and force us to live amongst and be reduced to the level of nigger’s and now they’re shipping those same nigger’s into human lands and bringing them to the level of nigger’s and subjugated them to shit. The nigger is a hivemind. It will hide behind various roles:Christian pastor, philosopher, victim, hero, crybaby, violent predator, but it is a liar, a rapist, a drug dealer, a PARASITE. It creates nothing but misery and mayhem and death . It shows it’s value by holding up signs saying "I matter" while other human species show they matter by their actions. They are the physical manifestation of evil. And Biden is a product of the cult that takes weak-willed would-be humans and turns them into the nigger’s automatrons. Obama is a flaming faggot, Trump is most-probably a female-to-male tranny whore (no humans male is built like that creature) and this thing of things is /are something unknown, but surely not human. When it speaks, as any politician, just see it as a nigger or Satan himself speaking and you can judge better how to react to what it’s saying. So when a politician speaks (an celebrity/news caster/ google news/ yahoo news/ the view and anything on television/ textbooks/ people held up as heroes or those allowed time on mainstream media/ most famous author’s a nigger or Satan speaking. Albert Pike a traitorous shrew of a child-raping whore who helped assure the loss of the south while acting as one of its generals and ordering the death of stonewall Jackson by "friendly fire" and later created the kkk...well the faggot is quoted as saying, "when the people need a hero we shall provide them with one". Trump is a Judas Goat. The slimiest of traitors that EVERYONE should’ve seen through. Biden is their joke. He is an anti-Trump for the weak minded. The homosexuals and nigger’s and abortion whores WANT someone that has no morals or a thinking-mind. No logic. No kindness. No compassion. No free will. No God. Trump is the same but is sold as something else. The system is NOT broken, they simply bided their time , killed off as many humans as possible with wars where humans were sent to kill other HUMANS, AND THEY OBEYED, while preserving their voodoos in safety. Giving them more and more of the product of the humans labor while the humans were killed-off. What I’m at a loss to understand is the two demonic forces, the nigger’s as a species and the synagogue of Satan as a species and then those that do their bidding as Catholics, masons, homosexuals, Zionists, what happens when the nigger’s when and there’s no more TRUTH in the world. There is LITERALLY no more TRUTH in the world. What happens then. Do the nigger’s kill-off the fake Jews, does the opposite happen,. Do they live in harmony. Certainly the gangs of nigger’s that run around punching humans females in the face won’t be allowed to survive because they’ll have outlived their usefulness. Like all Bolsheviks and the brown shirts of the NAZIs. Now they’ll be just a danger and a nuisance to the new satanic order and what use do they have for thrives and rapists except as police and prison guards, I suppose.

And the mindless zombies scurrying around looks no different than what we see every day.

If you are eating swine, praying over it won’t do a thing for you. Leviticus 11 tells us clean and unclean foods and pig is a no eat janitor trash cleaner. You don’t wanna consume it!

Pig is an unclean food you shouldn’t be eating regardless.

I reupload this for you from bitchute. The other video was corrupted and it couldn’t be compiled.

Shit fest fer sher...only thing is most people can’t handle that level of cognitive dissonance. But there is ,, not a carefully concealed thing that will remain hidden,,

Sorry Charlie you’re 2late...

I heard same thing from ohare airport from homeland...Brian dead still masked from 3 years ago are ready in advance .. I wore a paint ball mask wire mesh type when had to .. But if enough people say no mask like 50 people walk in same store same time what can store do? Nada! Go figure a group of joggers can walk into a store and steal what ever they want! Why cant you go in without a mask to buy something! All bs! the whole system needs new leaders of the people by the people for the people!!

Bill hicks!