
I know. The paragliders had portable DEWs, and they glided over the road and toasted those cars.

100% BS-19 !!~!

Nobody was massacred at the peace shitshow .

Yea Gene was trained in his local community theater so he definitely has the advantage .

Total bullshit. Adrenochrome gone loose? No

All these governments do the same thing to people. They are responsible for all the wars. They start them and we pay the price. I’m glad you see what’s going on, you’re one of the fortunate ones.

Why didn’t Hamas confirm the video shows a staged event? In one of the interviews for msm, Osama Hamdan, a senior representative of Hamas, didn’t deny that paragliders crossed the Gaza border as the footage of them landing on the Israeli side was being shown during the interview. I don’t recall him making any comment about that rave either. Strange behavior on the part of Hamas since the conflict escalated. What could have triggered the large-scale attack in the first place? There’s a number of recent events in which Jews used mindless violence against Palestinians such as a military operation carried out in the West Bank city of Jenin in July this year that left dozens of Palestinians killed. Why didn’t Hamas retaliate and attack Israel then? Why now?

It’s all a lie, and now the innocent people of Gaza die for it. I hope this world is over soon.


1) Why would you get out of your car to run, on foot? 2) As the girl is being, ’kidnapped’, there is a bearded guy being frog-marched by a black man. How many Palestinians are East African or sub-Saharan black? 3) How come all of the cars are white and pulled into the side of the road, totally mangled whilst the road is fine? 4) Those are not para-gliders. They are Paras, as in (British Army) trained Parachutists.

Who knows? I suppose that there could have been some bystanders who were embroiled in the pantomime. Still, it’s pretty rich, coming from a member of a sect who consider everyone, who is not them, to be animals. Shades of, ’Animal Farm’, there - some animals are more equal than others. How Orwellian!

germany was a symphony of cognitive dissonance. there is what im told or all of us and my expectations. when i got there it was very clean and organized and the people friendly. it smelled clean like here in alaska. no germans pushed me around. the trouble i saw was american thugs in a civilized country. i was nice though. i had good manners and loved the autobahn.

I just translated a video by us patriot on the Pulse Hoax where you tweeted to Sumter and he replied Chris Enzo wasn’t his friend or associate. Ahhhh the old hoaxing times... :-)

its what you dont see in dachau that was odd. no gas chambers. i thought it would be like a chicken processing plant how can you gas this many people within this amount of time. nope it was just a giggling german girl not even really trying to convince us. pure propaganda.




The map at the beginning shows a very generous sized West Bank with no occupied areas at all. How very typical of the BBC to be so biased. Disgusting.

Traitorous Scum!

As someone who once served in the IDF, I’m sad to say that this guy is full of shit and unfortunately, my country is now turned into a corrupt and evil entity, forcing vaccinations and now false flags like a motherfucker none of this shit happened when I was in service, 94, - 97