
Thanks for the clip MD, I saw or read a clip of Netanyahu saying that America and Israel were sewn to the hip and wherever Israel goes America will follow. How can America be independent and free when we have the likes of Netanyahu and his comrades sucking the life blood out of America? Wake up people, never mind it’s already too late.

And he is of course the "Father of the vaccine"

I saw this and the first thing I said was this is fake, and if I happen to be wrong she was likely disappeared for an agenda, and all this taking place after the recent events in Palestine, and they also mentioned Representative Elissa Slotkin who is a ex CIA spook (or current asset?) Nothing more than another fake killing which has worked all too well for these Zionest Jews in the past, and we will see more of the same multiplied many times over.

FEDERGELD1, say it ain’t so.

After how Obama had drug this country through the mud, I was foolish enough to vote for Trump thinking that even with his faults he could turn this country around, and this was after they released the infamous tape of him saying he could get women to treat him like a rock star and he would grab them by their Wookie, and they were married as he also was, but what finally did it for me was after he said he would protect the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, and then came out amongst a bunch of ravenous gun hating wolves, and said let’s get the guns first and worry about due process later, none of them can be trusted, we are on our own.

No tears falling on his glasses, so of course he had to remove them. I think he must have taken up acting from The Lee Strasberg School of Acting AKA Israel Strasberg.

Hey Jason, is there a way to distinguish on a particular video if some are coming back for multiple views by the same person’s? If so it could mean that actual individual views could be far less?

The black creature on the left. That is the enemy. That is the hive-mind that does satan’s will now and always. They’ve so controlled the TV-watcher’s mind. The mind of those whose God is the state and those who worship education. They feed you lies upon lies of their victimhood. They are the ones that are enslaving humanity. We have to understand that they run masonry, zionism, catholic church. They are synonymous with homosexuality and have said so. "Black live matter is Trans lives matter." Homosexuality is a sin regardless of how many millions are taking to it. The voodoo and all satanism needs the population to be immoral. They poisoned and imprisoned in their homes asians and europeans yet they’re shipping these evil creatures from africa all over the world and they are soulless and without empathy or compassion. Only satan’s tribe would have a mantra, "by any means necessary." They are everywhere. The irony is that, of all the species on earth that should take over the world it’s the one that has invented nothing of value for humanity that is assuming control. Incredible and unbelievable. No wheel. No boat. No engine. Airplane. Farming improvements. All that they have created is evil. The voodoo music is everywhere these days. Even where there are no voodoos present the music is being pounded into human minds. Music across the plain, regardless of language has taken to that awful noise. Voodoos. They are deceivers. A parasite from hell that eats away the healthy body. As for the white liars here presented. The other sell-outs. He sucks but he’s trying. The female creature on our left has it easy because she can hide her face. The other one is awful. It’s like first day of acting class and the teacher has a lot of work to do. These devils prefer the phoniness. It lends to cognitive dissonance. When the subject believes despite all evidence to the contrary is when they are most susceptible to control and manipulation. The television and the state are the master. The money system is unquestioned. How could humans possible live without money? How could there be property is there were no property tax? How could men create electricity with money. One couldn’t cut a tree down, form the wood into boards and build a home if there wasn’t a financial system? How could you grow and eat a vegetable or piece of fruit if there was not a dollar to buy it with. Everything we need is here already. Money OBVIOUSLY is enslaving humanity. I don’t know how to talk to people that believe actors and voodoo newscasters. The only Trust is in God because it’s getting slim pickings out there. I get close with a few people and then they blame it on Biden and talk about Trump as savior. Those creatures are almost as lost as the woke crowd. If people can’t identify that Judas Goat Trump after Jan 6 and the father of the vax .


Burnett began her career as a financial analyst for Goldman Sachs in their investment banking division, where she worked on mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance. While working as an investment-banking analyst, Burnett was offered a position at CNN



Haven’t seen the updated list but I’m sure that’s coming down the chute, CHEERS and CONGRATS to all that pitched in.

Top videos of the dayrnrnrnrnChild Rape with a deadly weaponrnby Laurieseesrn592 views 3 years agornrnIsraeli False Flag = Genocide Gaza - Max Igan Presentsrnby jbossman008rn505 views 1 day agornrnIsrael Gaza War Nova Festival Footage CCTVrnby AllTheWorldsAStagern273 views 2 days agornrn4 Days Till Disappearsrnby jbossman008rn196 views 3 days agornrn9/11 Part II: Hamas is Mossad and this Psychological War Is Based on Propaganda, Deception and Liesrnby The Dollar Vigilantern170 views 2 days agornrnInconvenient Truths Ep. 53 Jim Fetzer/Gary King Thanks 153 for many clips!rnby Gary Kingrn154 views 11 hours agornrnTrump the Freemason NONSTOP THROWING SHIT IN YOUR FACErnby MattyD 4Truthrn129 views 3 years agornrnPalestinian Crisis Actors?rnby jbossman008rn118 views 3 days agornrnLook Who Is Behind the Push to Legalize Pedophilia in America Mirrorrnby jbossman008rn114 views 5 years agornrnIDF CHURCH MASSACRE: Ancient Orthodox Christian Church BOMBED, 40+ DEAD In Latest Israel Slaughterrnby Tim Truthrn98 views 2 days agornrnCrisis actor dad of Israeli hostages pours it onrnby Vivian Leern88 views 5 hours agornrnThe Slaughter of the Palestinians - But How To Tell When?rnby jbossman008rn86 views 2 days agornrnAgenda 2030 Athens Direct Energy Weapon Attack Planned In Advancernby A Dangerous Goyrn71 views 4 days agornrnDedicated to the Zionist JEW WORLD ORDER Deniers EVERYWHERE!rnby MattyD 4Truthrn70 views 3 days agornrnINTENTIONALLY TARGETED: Palestinian Doctors Speak Out On Israel’s Bombing & Genocide Of Gazarnby Tim Truthrn66 views 3 days agornrnGaza, Gaza, Gaza, Maui, Bush Jr and Biden, Island Fires, Palestine Song, Bankers vs You Plus Much Mornby Jim Fetzerrn59 views 5 hours agornrnHOLY WARS - The Lounge with Dean Ryan, Aaron Kates and Dr. James Fetzerrnby Jim Fetzerrn54 views 5 hours agornrnHow Zionist (Jews?) Created the NAZI Partyrnby Second Opinionrn54 views 5 years agornrnReal or Fake? - The Israel Rave Hamas Slaughterrnby jbossman008rn51 views 6 days agornrn

Top videos of the monthrnrnrnChild Rape with a deadly weaponrnby Laurieseesrn14752 views 3 years agornrnNew 9/11 Footage No Planernby Truthers Rockrn2627 views 2 weeks agornrnIsraeli babies with their heads cut offrnby Vivian Leern2515 views 2 weeks agornrnFREEDOM RISING: Man UNMASKS Canadian City Council’s Ecofascist NWO Plan & The Audience Applaudsrnby Tim Truthrn2414 views 4 weeks agornrnChristine Anderson: Go To Hell!rnby Gary Kingrn2027 views 3 weeks agornrnStaged killing of 12 yr old by Hamas terroristrnby Vivian Leern2022 views 2 weeks agornrnIsraeli raver makes miraculous recoveryrnby Vivian Leern2007 views 2 weeks agornrnRigged NFL, Subliminal Disney, Gov Stores, Pride Tax, Censorship Laws, City Zombiesrnby Gary Kingrn1751 views 3 weeks agornrnReal or Fake? - The Israel Rave Hamas Slaughterrnby jbossman008rn1745 views 6 days agornrnMANDATES WERE AN ILLUSION - THEY NEVER HAD ANY AUTHORITY - THEIR OWN WORDSrnby Truth Knownrn1723 views 3 weeks agornrnBe Happyrnby jbossman008rn1707 views 3 weeks agornrnThe Real Reason for mRNA Injectionsrnby Truth Knownrn1706 views 4 weeks agornrnRotterdam Fake Mass Shootingrnby Side Thorn Journalistrn1635 views 3 weeks agornistrnHero William Shakespeare was murdered by the covid vaccinernby OH MY GODrn1610 views 3 weeks agornrnOMG TALKING ABOUT THE DIED SUDDENLY STEVEN SHRIMPTON BUS DRIVER INCIDENTrnby OH MY GODrn1593 views 3 weeks agornrnBrutal gory Israeli rave massacre with no bloodrnby Vivian Leern1589 views 2 weeks agornrnOWNER OF B & B BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON THE GOVERNMENT AGENDArnby OH MY GODrn1562 views 1 week agornrnTeam Schwabrnby Channel Terminatedrn1516 views 2 weeks agornrniconic Sycamore Gap tree MASSACRErnby OH MY GODrn1472 views 3 weeks agornrnFALSE FLAG: We Just Had Another 9/11 Inside Job in Israel And Everyone Is Falling For It Againrnby The Dollar Vigilantern1471 views 2 weeks agornrnLET’S TAKE A SURVEYrnby RBD3rn1414 views 3 weeks agornrnTruth Bomb Just Droppedrnby ThePrettyKittyrnrnYou Cannot Own Property in America.rnby GoodnightAlicern1373 views 4 weeks agornrnDUE TO COVIDrnby RBD3rn1362 views 4 weeks agornrnThe $25,000 FLAT EARTH PYRAMID - With host Dick Clarkrnby Mustaffa1611rn1345 views 2 weeks agornrnTo All Who Resisted and All Who Will in the Futurernby Truth Knownrn1334 views 4 weeks agornrnTrump the Freemason NONSTOP THROWING SHIT IN YOUR FACErnby MattyD 4Truthrn1325 views 3 years agornrnAnother Fertilizer Catastrophernby Truthers Rockrn1320 views 3 weeks agornrnNationwide Test Alertrnby Truthers Rockrn1290 views 3 weeks agornrn40 dead Israeli babies at Kfar Azarnby Vivian Leern1246 views 2 weeks agornrnDual Citizenship Jewrnby Truthers Rockrn1242 views 4 weeks agornrnrn

Recenty watched videosrnrnrnSuper Blood Clotting Vaccinatedrnby jbossman008rn2047 views 2 years agornrnrnEVIL IS COMING FOR YOUR CHILDRENrnby Joecolflyerrn1574 views 3 years agornrnrnWalmart Shootingrnby JEWrassic Liarsrn7701 views 4 years agornrnrnCMU-Funeral Follies- JWL Addonrnby Jeffersonian Girlrn16724 views 6 years agornrnrnGaza, Gaza, Gaza, Maui, Bush Jr and Biden, Island Fires, Palestine Song, Bankers vs You Plus Much Mornby Jim Fetzerrn51 views 5 hours agornrnrnThe Year is 1524, the letter J is invented. Jesus was never named this. Another deceptionrnby jbossman008rn2299 views 2 years agornrnrnWhite House Makes Gayest Video Everrnby thechadchaddingtonrn2519 views 2 years agornrnrnAbsolute Slavery: Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructedrnby Vivian Leern2072 views 3 years agornrnrnJIM FETZER "Truth vs. New$,Inc" (10-21-19) 2nd Hr Sandy hook book’s snafu Kevin Barrettrnby Jim Fetzerrn6773 views 4 years agornrnrnrn9/11: A Conspiracy Theory [MIRROR] from corbettreportrnby gwo4lifern17601 views 5 years agornrnrnIf Bill Gates was a mechanic...rnby A Giant Hoax For Mankindrn1035 views 1 year agornrnrnrnAre you willing to lose your job for what you believe in?rnby Mixed Picklesrn1535 views 2 years agornrnrnBucket Warning Luke Bryan on His Conversation with Jason Aldean rnby Smoken Mirrorsrn16461 views 6 years agornrnrnrnRunning 36 kms With a Mask Does Not Reduce Oxygen Levels a Single Bitrnby Videos From Peekayrn1765 views 3 years agornrn rnStem School Shooting Part1 Role Players Liars & Real Students. Josh Jonesrnby AllTheWorldsAStagern8854 views 4 years agornrnrnOuting Dr Peter McCullough Pro Vax Shillrnby Truthertzrn1615 views 2 years agornrn rnFIREMEDIC8: ESCALATING ENERGYrnby FIREMEDIC8rn820 views 7 months agornrn rnFASCISM VS COMMUNISM, ONE Major Difference,rnby PeaceTerroristrn1045 views 1 year agornrnrnrnWhat do you think of this?rnby Joecolflyerrn15859 views 5 years agornrnrnBritish Airways On Off full wing Chemical Spray! (2)rnby Mike Deckerrn16226 views 6 years agornrnrnrn12/13/18 NOLA City Hall DELAYS 5G due to HealthConcerns After Activists Appeal + How Tornby NOLAbutterflyrn14588 views 5 years agornrnrnDONATION THEFT 2 - HalleluYAH Scriptures Steals ANOTHER 12K - Hookers, Organics, and Pure EVILrnby jbossman008rn550 views 9 months agornrn rnLook Who Is Behind the Push to Legalize Pedophilia in America Mirrorrnby jbossman008rn21019 views 5 years agornrnrnMore vaccine injuredrnby jbossman008rn1143 views 2 years agornrnrnThe Beginning: ChinaGaternby Truthertzrn1133 views 2 years agornrnrnHells Bells, the A/CDC Parody Instant Classicrnby YourNumbersUprn1013 views 2 years agornrnrnThe Majik of Mind Control and How The Whole World Has Been Put To Sleep rnby The Dollar Vigilantern7472 views 4 years agornrnrnVictorian BS-19 Frail = Old Aged Deathsrnby Videos From Peekayrn1503 views 3 years agornrnrn2 IRISH PEOPLE SAY FUCK YOUR QUARANTINErnby OH MY GODrn1695 views 2 years agornrnrnrnSenator WARNED IN MAY About Mid July DEATH COUNTS??!!rnby MattyD 4Truthrn1990 views 3 years agornrnrnDon’t Even Know How to Title Thisrnby Truthertzrn1828 views 2 years agornrn rnMy God......what they have done to the CHILDRENrnby MattyD 4Truthrn2444 views 2 years ago

Again, thank you for all you do and for the clarification I do hope the one offs start to reach in their pockets. You fuckers need to wake up. This is the most important site on the net. Don’t make them work harder than they already do.

There are trillions of tonnes of recoverable gas lying underneath the disputed waters off Gaza, Israel, Syria and Lebanon. And the Israelis want to make sure they alone control and profit from it.rnrnThe Gaza strip sits on vast reservoirs of oil and gas wealth. However, Palestinians face a major stumbling block that prevents them from exploiting and benefiting from such assets, namely, the occupation by Israel

EVERY PALESTINIAN IN GAZA IS RICHER THAN THE OIL SHEIKHS OF KUWAIT , GAZA SITS ON TRILLIONS OF TONNES OF OIL/ GAS. Mystery of why evil Israel drove away every single Jewish settler in Gaza by force in 2005 solved .. Psychopath Zionist rulers now wants to drive away every Palestinian from Gaza to the desert of Egyptian Sinai desert by flattening Gaza with bombs

It’s Mind Control, and they got you! LOLOL