
Love this woman and the paper is awesome ! Thanks for sharing .

Believer here .

Exactly !

One giant shitshow and the sheep just lap it up .

No doubt .

How can people eat this garbage? Heinz merged with Kraft Foods to form Kraft Heinz. You vote with your dollars, stop buying their poison that’s making you sick!

I think Prince is playing his sister now. Seriously. That creature is the same entity that played Prince.

Well, the 3 cranberries could also be 3 C , C=3 so 33. (after some civil war battle, maybe Chancellorsville, a northern officer "found" under a log, the battle plans of the confederacy and in the envelope were 3 Cigars. 3 C or 33. This changed the course of the war, probably a gift from traitorous judas goat Albert Pike who also ordered his own Stonewall Jackson killed by "friendly fire"). Back to Matthew Perry. I could’ve been a hoax or maybe when they sign the deal their lives are forfeit at the time of the voodoo’s chosing and perhaps they give them a heads up to put their affairs in order. I would be there is a corollary with the cranberries singer. I hadn’t heard she died (in fact, I didn’t know their singer WAS a girl). It would be interesting to look into it. It was said by someone other than me that he had written a book or something in which he had dissed Julia Roberts and the day that he "died" was Julia Roberts birthday. I also wonder if they maybe take these people out of the area. They’re not dead they’re just removed from the scene. Beyond Antarctica.

Yeah, it just MIGHT be a genocide seeing as how eugenecist Bill Gates SAID that they there are too many humans on earth but those numbers of humans on earth can be reduced through improvements in vaccines and reproductive care. You don’t really have to read between the lines.

It’s funny because the australians were the crocodile dundy, bad-ass folks and they caved. they caved, in fact, with the port arthur gun grab. Wow! You can’t fight a voodoo army if you’re not armed. I don’t think satan’s followers aren’t turning their guns in to anyone.

I’ll bet a whole bunch of african voodoos start showing up in Australia.

There’s an incredible demand for legal immigration. They can’t find enough people to join the military. Now, that’s a sign of a society getting intelligent. But he’s saying if the immigrants are willing to serve and put their lives on the line for the country. Now the only just war this country ever fought was fought by Tecumseh against the mason hordes. I would say, from what little I know, Tecumseh tried to put a stop to satan. and all the others that were truly fighting for freedom. Seems like the American Indian was the most free society that I’m aware of. What! No fences. Humans roaming about where and when they want.

...or no matter what you do to them is what I meant. That’s what the voodoos said before the pandemic hoax. They’d soon control the money and then everyone would have to come to them for everything. Boy, if that isn’t happening!!! They can walk into stores and loot them until they’re all out of business and then still, Google has on their main search page, "support black business" Wow.

And the Buffalo Bill nonsense when the dude collapsed. I stopped watching around ’84, ’85 when a game between the niners and Dallas clearing showed that Dallas was throwing the game. Even that famous catch from Dwight Clark was probably pre-ordained. Now there’s a statue out in front of the stadium. I bet antifa and blm would never tear THAT statue down. And the nba, I never was a basketball fan but I was somewhere when the last game of the championship was being played somewhere and NO ONE was in the audience. They were controlling the audio of the audience with canned audience sounds! It was straight out of Star Trek, the Bread and Circuses episode. The blatant mockery of the pandemic and the mockery of the game itself and all the teams were quarantined until they were eliminated, supposedly. And people go back to it. I think it was Stalin, maybe Pancho Villa, but I think Stalin, who picked the feathers out of a chicken and fed the chicken. And the Chicken kept coming back to the table and he’d give it a treat and pluck feathers out until the chicken was naked, so to speak. And the chicken kept coming back. He was making a point to whoever was with him that no matter what, if you control someones food (and shelter and professional sports entertainment) they’ll always come back to you no matter what they do to you.

Even if the mine went in what, you get a job for money and lose your soul. And the wealth goes out of the country. The mines in Nevada are almost ALL owned by Canada. Canada is in turn owned. Where that wealth actually goes...?

I wonder sometimes about the huge ships with the red cross. We were told a few years ago they had prison ships. Then, the covid hoax hits, they’re lying about mass deaths and sick and L.A. and N.Y. both supposedly have two huge "red cross" ships come in to "help" with the sick and dead. I wonder what were on those ships. Were they a red herring or perhaps filled with voodoos and other enemy insurgents. There was probably a reason to bring them in other than just to push the mass-death/sick narrative. And who would notice. They’re all locked down or kept away from the ship. And I think they might’ve been the so-called prison ships re-painted to look like red cross. Anyway, kind of like the monster busses you mentioned.

tax the spirit has a double meaning. I wrestle with running to the hills or standing and fighting and dying quick. Because I’ve run enough in this life. The voodoos and masons and all of satan’s little helpers are like cancer and parasites. That we’ve been destroyed by a little piece of paper that controls whether we eat or not and comes from some printing press in hell is incredible. And that the species that have been so creative and inventive in some ways have been so gullible in other ways and are being destroyed by homosexuals, voodoos, and secret societies made up of insecure children who’d not the courage to be men. It’s kind of embarrassing.

Well, the mine can’t be destroying the environment because anyone with money to run a mine SURELY must be the ones pushing climate change and we must stop climate change (temperatures go up and sometimes they go down). So the mine surely is environmentally safe. As safe as the electric cars at least. I wonder where lithium comes from? And where do old batteries go to die. Oh, surely they’ll reuse the material.

I wonder if they did her wardrobe. The hellish Tim Burton creature. Would make sense if it was deliberate and not just something she threw on.

You gotta love at around :30 when it says, "It’s very sad." with a big shit-eating grin on its face. I wonder why europeans are dismayed at hordes of them infesting their countries. And why the synagogue of satan knows the most potent ingredient you can ad to destroy any culture: voodoo. No morals, no ethics, no soul, no TRUTH and the masons are the same shit. I still wrestle with trying to figure out what created those creatures and the timeline of how they infested humanity with their mason covens and synagogues of satan and all the other homosexual organizations without being stopped. I guess you had that one guy they murdered in the 1800s in the u.s. who tried to speak out and was killed and then there was a scandal and masonry lost 1/2 it’s members and there was an anti-freemason party for a decade or so. (what the TRUTH was of that incident, who knows) But, you can see by civil war pics from the north they officers seem to always pose with the hidden hand and in the south, well, if you have generals like Albert Pike on your team, who needs enemies when their giving the orders. Masons are ruled by the voodoos. The vatican too. The creatures occupying palestine and the voodoos, did they create them, are they subservient to the voodoo, I don’t know. Maybe the synagogue of satan created the voodoo and that’s the Gollum story.