
The evil in taking their land is unimaginable. They passed a law only months before the fire saying that no one could take their land for any reason...... except in the case of a NATURAL DISASTER! What sorry bastards. This one has affected me more than any other story. Really makes me want to cry. GK

this gimp is not dead

Just when I thought the police couldn’t get any worse. I’m sure they will teach the new recruits all about the constitution and human rights.

Writing a check as I watch this.

Brainwashed youth. I blame the parents. Same as here in USA.

My 2 cents on paws.ner,shady hoek...fair use does not include the logo. For example on the brown jacket you mention. A tiny logo can earn a copyright strike. That’s how you can tell who is running the psyop. Also, corporate law prevents the corporation from doing anything that hurts the bottom line. So outright murder doesn’t fit into the model. It’s much easier to bang people up in a mental institution, gaslight or countless other nefarious ways. Bottom line, while we are cautious as serpents, we are innocent as doves. No doubt about it, the world is a dangerous place, but we shouldn’t be excessively consumed with fear.

I just donated 100 beans the other day and I don’t have much extra money. I got fired from my main job 3 months ago. I’m just trying to chill as long as I can before I get another job. I’m actually waiting on God to find me another job. I told him to wait a few months because 40 hours a week is soul crushing. And Uber and Lyft are lame anymore, there’s barely a surge unless there’s a big concert or football game.

So this is where we’re at now? Sheezus...

I don’t quite understand what Jones is putting forth here, tbh.

There is the telegram

No clue who that dude is.

Fucking cockwomble’s, haha. You’re sure right too. The problem I have with the truth community is that there are some of those people who literally call EVERYONE a shill. Someone accidentally gives the "ok" hand sign while they’re scratching their ass and... HE’S ILLUMINATI! LOLrnJudge them by their fruits is a good standard to stick to imo. It hasn’t failed me yet. It’s not just religious doctrine, it’s just common fking sense.rnI can feel your frustration. I share it. Just don’t forget that most people are good, and because of that they tend to think everyone else around them is also good by default. Unfortunately this is the downside of being a somewhat innocent, non-sociopathic, regular human who just has a high enough IQ to ask questions and complete puzzle. rnGood video!rn

That doesn’t surprise me. So the kids then are not his. If he actually have kids at all. Another rich loser.

Something didn’t add up about them. Like Fetzer, I was right in the middle of all that. I have a 1920’s photograph of my grandmother in my safe. Watch this video, and you’ve practically seen it. Very spooky.


The Beatles were satanists.

Of course accidents happen, but they are not reported to the public.

Insane how people bought into this scam !

Two Trannies and their Husbands !

Trannies and their Husbands !