
I can’t believe all the peon hospital staff going along with this scam to help the psycho controllers inject the masses to kill them.

Are you sure this is the last one?

After Paul was died.

Excellent video Gary. Not one person in my family wants to hear me talk about that one, I’m crazy. Add in the Chief of Police from Las Vegas heading up this episode in Hawaii, haha, and ho ho ho. Merry Christmas

You have a dog named Josh? That made me laugh.... If we were in 1984, only your neighbors would hear you...... I plug this site all the time on I’ll go paint a 153news STOP sign and make it famous.

also, what’s the first video uploaded here?

That was a big eye opener for America... Thanks Bossman

I hope you’re well Bossman.

I watch a few live shows on YouTube. It seems recently they haven’t been replaying live chats. None of the shows I watch have had a live chat replayed for few months now. Perhaps if you have a YouTube premium subscription it’s visible? Anyhoo.

Interesting, will look into it! thanks

haha lol


Gary, I got sidetracked and lost track of the video that you played guitar in. I only heard a small portion and can’t find it, thanks.

The NWO powers that shouldn’t be drew a lot of attention with this display of DEW; however, people have short memories. They will likely wait some time for people to forget, and then they will resume their program.

The powers that shouldn’t be actually want us to physically uprise and overthrow our government. They can then "justify" bringing in U.N. peacekeeping forces to formally assimilate the U.S. into the One World Government. If this does not happen, the NWO has plenty of other ways to make it happen as well. So what do we do? Know that we are fighting a spiritual war and the one thing that our enemies fear the most is being exposed for what they truly are.

Thank you for all that you do in the Captain’s chair, jbossman. The fight for freedom and righteousness is a very difficult path, but it is worth it. There have been and will continue to be failures and roadblocks along the way, but don’t let the bastards get you down. Hang in there and know that we fight at your side.

Regardless this young musician is playing her heart out... Her beauty and her harp are overcoming any evil. It’s how you want to receive it. Many here on this channel have their dark antennas up.

Seen videos on all those and agree.

Really spooky. They are just taking what they want.

The Beatles are a bunch of sold out new age satanists. Talk about leasing a generation into further moral decay. You don’t make it in movies or music unless you have sold your soul to the devil.