
Thank you

I think they are saying that took unvaccinated blood and mixed it with the vaccine and found it emitted a Bluetooth MAC address (unnamed). I found it hard to discern what exactly is going on here. A written summary of the video would be good here and in other places as well. Believe it or don’t believe it, but plenty of other people have found the same thing with vaccinated people. You can download BLE Scanner 4.0 for iPhones and hit the radar icon in the top right hand corner to see this phenomenon for yourself. You can do the same thing with an Android phone if you put it into Developer Mode and then select "Show Bluetooth devices without names". We don’t know how advanced their technology is or where it comes from. I originally naively thought the Bluetooth radiation might just be from graphene hydroxide moving around in the body or interacting with electrical fields in some way and emitting something misinterpreted as a Bluetooth MAC address. I’ve seen one Internet comment stating it is something considerably more complex. The magnetic arm phenomenon was unexpected as well, but nonetheless there are plenty of videos showing that.

Who knows what technologies these psychos have. There is a mouse poison that only kills mice by shutting down the brain signal to drink water and they die from dehydration. Just think of what they could put in our food, water, and meds.

Cops have no authority to tell people that are not suspected of breaking a law to walk with their hands up...................I would tell them to KISS MY ASS ! ! !

I don’t have Myocarditis or Con-vid.

I have a explanation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pity they chose the queer anthem as backing

OH that more would confront these massively overpaid ,underworked snouts in the trough polishitians Having eyeballed a number of this rat`s compatriots at their "surgery " charades over the years. Apart from offloading my disgust and anger at these Judas waste of space traitors to our nation . It`s a COMPLETE waste of time seeing them on one`s own.

As a high level IT guy, I don’t buy this at all.

Go to your local sign shop and spend a few bucks,, have signs/stickers made stating for truth. Spread them around your town. Grass roots might be a great boost

Yes, In all likelihood, that massacre was just theater.

Nice work.

Since they included his photo in that pakistan event I wonder that event was a hoax like sandy hook. It’s pretty likely they faked that too.

Robin Williams plays Senator Jim Risch rnRisch = 30 the 3 code and rnJim Risch = 44 the kill number get it he’s supposed to be dead meaning Robin Williams

2 khazar dudes that need to die ASAP

those Khazar demons are everywhere and it’s NOT 9 golden candlesticks it’s 7 and their star of Remphan is satanic they twist and lie about everything

Same in my circles.

Is the penny EVER going to drop ?

The Gang that kissed the ugly frog and became Kings and Queens because of his influence.

Sounded like music that would have accompanied a love story, the many loves of Henry Kissinger, or those that fell in love with him, and the somber ending of what happens when you spurn his advances.