
Obey your Master

Stop eating fast food will help a whole bunch more

Schneerson, Smeerson It’s all about money to these scarabs. Never a word about doing the right thing or bless you for being a good person towards others. Always money, their one true god. The theme here, is just like the TV evangelist who promises good things and blessings for an envelope full of money. Same crooks, different day.

Saul claims to strive to do everything "perfect." I’ve heard this Jew claim before. There’s nothing wrong with "striving for perfection" in the things we do, but I don’t think that’s what Jews are talking about. Apparently for them, It’s not a destination.


More than touching, Israel treats their dogs and cats better than these Palestinians and their children, they are prisoners in THEIR own land, a biblical verse comes to mind which says they worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator. Many of the voices I recognized, were pictured in the montage saying, " I stand with Israel".

Sorry, I thought it was a cross between Look out for Charlie, and Fiddler on the Roof, Better call Saul, was he named after the Biblical character that fell upon his own sword? Looks like a pretty lopsided war ( holocaust ) in Palestine.

The only question is, how far back does it go? Like Hoaxes. They go back to forever. The scumbag Teddy Roosevelt faked an attempted assassination, in 1912. The entire Manson Family thing was a complete psyop. It’s blatantly obvious that Kissinger, Rockefeller, etc were married to men. Remember, they didn’t have the sex changing drugs and stuff until later on. Today, it seems that almost every female sex symbol and super model, could have been born a male.

Or her long lost TWIN !

How many of these celebrities donated, NOT they got paid for this.

Nothing will, they have the ultimate bullet, Religion.

It’s so dumb listening to Religious videos, When nothing happens. The world will be wiped when most people like 80% of the world doesn’t believe in the fake none sense. They can’t get the money anymore, your hard earned labor to donate too them anymore. Than they bring chaos and let’s do it again. and again, and again.

if the jabs have not woke people up to how evil it is and run by criminal mad people i dont know what will.

Stick our poison in your arm to give to the world to make a better day. Sacfirice yourself for "the world", the "NEW WORLD".. yeah, they have been programming the masses for this for a long time.

ANOTHER CRIMINAL < ANOTHER ROTHSCHILDS PUPPET IN THE UK < STARMER WIFE IS JEWISH . Keir Starmer’s wife, Victoria, is Jewish and has family living in Israel.

We are all in your shoes mate. My family was spared apparently so far but we hear things in this relatively small city. One of my admins... his mother, 82 yrs old, turbo. Dead in 2 months.

They’re only my colleagues, if they are donating to keep this site alive.

I have 3 such t-shirts. On one i have bill in front and on the back the text: be responsible, help us depopulate the planet: get vaccinated! The second tshirt has djokovic in front and the famous quote from our prime minister who said we would die without vax. So the text in the back says: you don’t get vaccinated, you dont get sick, you win! The last tshirt has a big fly in front with the text ’it has always happened’. In the back there are about 15 small flies, all dead. Oh yea we dont hide things here.

I have made a compilation (not complete) of DMCA take down notices. A walk down memory lane... Digital Millennium Con Act : rn

The school shooting occurred on December 16 (2014) and the computer files of the photo showing students standing behind a sign with pictures of the students who died in the school shooting - the photo was taken on December 17 at 16:15, the day after the school shooting. These pictures of those who died in the attack have thus been printed and pasted on a sign - very strange that Noah Pozner, who died two years earlier (December 14 2012), is included in the list of dead children in the school shooting in Pakistan. I smell a hoax!