
Thanks, my buddy steve thought the music fit the scene, just right.

Be sure your sin will find you out. Yeah ,coming to terms with the whole "Auschwitz" scam was possibly the hardest reality check for me .Those scumbag interviewers weren’t expecting that

Yes, it’s all so tiresome.

News flash! Your Government hates you. We are all useless eaters and need to go bye bye.

Great video.

Yes, absolutely.

If even 25% of everyone becomes seriously incapacitated, dying, or dead, the rest of us won’t be far behind. Our current modern society does not have a strategy to back fill the labor lost in a very short period of time. Everything will just collapse in on itself. Can you imagine the loss of one parent per every 4 households? Or how about most of the medical and school staff who happily jabbed themselves multiple times to virtue signal their cooperation for the greater good? A quarter+ of everything will collapse, the banks, the stores, ...., everything. All the surviving elderly will be forced to go back to work as if there was a devastating post war effort. People keep thinking there is going to be some extraordinary event that is going to happen in 2024. I say ’no’, all they have to do is wait.

Ephesians 6:12 Geneva bible reads different from Ephesians 6:12 kjv go look it up!Dump the kjv! Switch to Geneva kj was evil!

Phoenix rising from the ashes is the nwo agenda 4:23m

I guess the Victoria’s Secret company that sells lingerie - that the secret is that all the models are men - that’s the secret. rn

Yes. His past, in the Crown (corporation) Prosecution Service, is also very murky. He was up to his neck in the Northern Irish, ’Troubles’, double-dealing too. Once an agent, always an agent of, ’The Crown (corporation)’. Plus - if it is still necessary to say - all of these Labour politicians are members of the Fabian Society (founded by cousins of the British monarchy). Their original logo was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The very epitome of controlled opposition.

Approached by a calm, articulate Scot, Starmer didn’t look shocked or even surprised. His henchmen were around him.

There are 2 things that I hate more than these animals, corrupt cops, because you can’t defend yourself against them, and the boot lickers that STILL back the blue.

I wonder if the controllers plan to keep paying them AFTER they are done using them?

Savages, all of them!

Exactly! :-)

Arm yourself and buy more ammo. One of the most dangerous of the world’s creatures? The ignorant black woman who believes, and was purposely convinced so by Haimy, that she’s a victim. Specifically, when it comes to white people.


“Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors from their own milieu.”rnWalther Rathenau (1909)

"Jews have been ruling the world for 5700 years. It is a rule of injustice, cruelty, and violence. They have a strong belief, a religion, and that tells them that they should rule the world. Look at this one dollar note. There is a symbol on it, a pyramid with thirteen layers with an eye at the top. It is the symbol of the Zionist world rule. The layers represent four ‘open’ societies and other secret ones, behind them is a ‘Parliament of three hundred’ and thirty-three Rabbi parliaments, and behind them still other, invisible controllers. They rule the world through the capitalist world order".