
A compilation of 153News wild rides with DMCA:rn

Life was much more fun before we let the Jews take over. I never did, but I’ve heard that some kids would keep their 22 rifles in their school locker for hunting after school. I used to rabbit hunt with a 22, a tough task, but we did eat rabbit.

When I was a kid, I used to take my BB Gun out to swampy areas and shoot frogs, now it is against the law to shoot them in the state of Michigan, BB Guns and Pellet Guns will be next, most places won’t even ship a taser to your residence without a license to comply with state law, bypassing federal law which is legal.

As a kid, I used to catch lizards myself. Hard to do especially when their tail is made to come off in your hand. I’d bet that few kids in the USA do that these days.. Sun up to sun down summertime fun, where the only rule I can recall was to be home at sunset.

And yet Jewtube will allow a guy to walk down the street asking random girls if they spit or swallow?

Now...................that is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look up the nukba ..

Most of the Nazi leaders where jewish

The best friend s

Trump crossing his arms in defensive mode? What a joke, there’s always controlled opposition and people blind enough to follow it.

People of the light?, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

another retard video thanks 15fck

Do was a druggy, ya let’s listen too this.

The whole channel , 153 news and it’s crew. Your all like 1st graders complaining in the world. Get outside, explore the world, taste bark, grass, everything. Maybe your world will change.

Let’s see Americans Slaughtered Indians untill barley anyone left, we make land. Now we placed States on the land getting money. Now Mexicans are coming over why ? ... I want too hear your answer.

P.S. it’s amazing that people are so brainwashed, they can’t tell real clouds from chemtrails, I can spot them so easy.

Your so young, My song living in USA,

For what? because you mentioned chemtrails, or Satan Klaus? I watched the previous video where you said that people who train dogs to fight ought to be shot. I would have thought if they were going to remove one that would have been it. By the way I totally agree with both videos.

I believe everything on TV, I made 153 News to what, go with the News? what a joke.

Like why is this guy here? Kick him out, dumb ...