
Funny Josh the dog growled-up as soon as JB said "end of the world" --- LOL, I spit out my sip of coffee laughing.

Copyright law protects against unlimited distribution. If you start a "study group" having any kind of "restricted access" then the distribution is no longer unlimited. For the DMCA-attacked videos, simply add a flag so that viewing / downloading them requires login. It’s simple. And effective.

When Jesuits get involved -- masters of deception and theatre -- white becomes black, and black becomes white.

Look at young Chelsea Clinton. Compare to Webster Hubbell. -------- Look at young Bill Gates. Compare to Margaret Sanger (head of Planned Parenthood). Note that Bill Gates admitted his father helped run Planned Parenthood for decades.

My daughter in Houston says it’s like that all the time! Witnessed it myself 12/10/23 and is also getting her 6 yr old son to recognize

Wait! I’m giving this blood-sucking leech English lessons.

Nice seeing your dogs. And that you are cutting your grass. I get it.

WE had a 22-shooting range in the basement of our JR high school, I’m probably revealing much.

Advice taken. NOT. Well done pal

At least you have some BLUE skies and sunshine. Here in Scotland we have CONSTANT sun blocking grey/brown -with a purple tint- "cloud" . Quite frankly ,life without natural sky ie BLUE and sunshine is not worth enduring . I recently rang the Met Office ,just to confront these lying script reading bastards. The response from the turd who took my call was patronising /condescending / arrogant and dismissive. Throwing out the usual "conspiracy" clichés. Scum to the core

Thanks for posting

Like the song from Chicago, Does Anybody Really Know what Time it is. ???

And you are right brother. At this point it doesn’t seem like we can change anything...but we can change ourselves and get our own lives right. Cheers

Well it’s a publicly traded company so we all know how these people chase profits over truth. That being said, so far so good I think. I put my first controversial video on Pack Life on Rumble so we shall see if that gets me booted off or not. With what I said, I would be grilled on YouTube immediately. So I am testing the waters. I am sure eventually it will all end up like YouTube but jewtube has a ton of AI stuff that will take Rumble a decade to get right. We shall see I suppose.

What is your handle on Rumble? I don’t like the platform, so I never sign in or out to comment or like, but I do drop in from time to time, probably more now to view your content and your take on things, It will not get any better in 2024, but CHEERS just the same, we still have the capacity to change ourselves while we have the breath and a beating heart.

So you are here complaining, bitching that people here are complaining and you write worse than a 1st grader. Click the little x in your top right corner and please never come here again... especially after drinking 5 shots of Jack.

And you are an illiterate drunk. Definitely shouldn’t listen to you.

Says the guy who writes like he is retarded. Why do drunks always bring their drunk aggression here?