
You should see the monstrous militarized "school" complexes being built all around Washington DC, complete with armed security teams.

~5:00 "it’s not possible to make a vaccine for the flu, because the flu is a replicating RNA virus." Wether that’s reality or not, the fact is that no "virus" (not the flu, not measles, none of them) has ever been adequately isolated and all are contaminated with monkey-kidney, lungs, petri-growth serum - a real witches’ brew. Moreover, recent research shows packages of stressed-cells’ cellular debris ("exosomes") are more likely misidentified as "virus".

US GOV indirectly but strongly threatened all its workers with similar ’submit or begone’. I told friends to resist by stalling. On the weekend before the very last day ("JAB-DAY"?) the "requirement" was rescinded. Is the attack against healthcare workers in private sector part of a design to weaken and sicken those who might help with what else is likely being planned by the Vatican’s Counter-Reformation efforts to destroy America? ------- ----- Lincoln warned of Popery and Jesuits in his summary of Civil War. One vow of Jesuits is to extirpate all non-Catholic heathens who refuse their Pope as sole path to God. Too few know that religion is behind all wars, and that the Protestent Counter-Reformation, propelled by Vatican, fought by Jesuits, has never ceased. The vaxx was merely another test-run that also included mass poisonings and worldwide control. These monsters seek ultimate control, the very reason so many fled to endure hardships in the taking of America...still worse than all risks and hardships of America was (and remains) the Catholic control and monstrousity. It is almost unbelievable what this ilk has done and intends; what these people are -- excellent info here --

ERIC777 youtuber showed that Raytheon controlled by Jesuits.

Surprised no one has yet quoted Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Jesuit: "Go forth and set the world on fire."

CONSPIRA_ORG channel on bitchute reposted all available APT ParadiseLost videos.

Well, honestly, he’s better off dead sooner than to long suffer parents who are so stupid as to allow that. In about 5 years, despite the obvious 5G link, we may learn that this pincushion was actually Patient Zero for the CVD.

So, officers, do you think this kind of gun-toting sleuthing is wise or ill-advised? Seems like the only thing begotten here was a rock-etched hardening of disdain for the next time when tables may be turned. But, like one of the commenters -- it’s probably just another manufactured lie.

PLAIN OF JARS in LAOS is STILL the most heavily and intensely bombed location on Earth. A co-agenda of the Vatican wars is to erase history of the less thing to explain. Plain has many many gigantic jars strewn all about, despite the 8 years of constantly daily bombing.

This one was too hot for anyone except Verax911 to respond to. Tucker knew exactly what he was saying here as they edit and exam everything before presenting it, this one was no pun intended.

When it’s all said and done and they have sucked us all dry and there is nothing left, we will all have that scum sucking UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME which they are paving the road to, so we will become as Bibi has put it the world’s largest welfare State which they will control, everyone gets treated the same in Communist controlled countries, it’s all by design.

LOL -- G O O D R I D D A N C E -- thank goodness the pushers are perishing by their own pushings .. think of how they bullied, cajoled, shamed, pestered, nagged, demeaned .. what were they thinking ? Individually it may be painful, but overall, they are that which needed to be shed. May the full remainder exit, too.

I think about all the 5O1 C3 church’s that are waiting for this to visit them for having a sign that reads FREE COVID TESTING AND SHOTS ADMINISTERED HERE.

We are electrical beings first. ---------------- ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG book INVISIBLE RAINBOW directly correlates all disease outbreaks with mass electrifications -- power grid, RADAR, microwave comms, etc.

No evidence of any virus having ever been truly isolated. All "isolates" contain innumerable contaminants such as monkey kidney cells, lung cells, pus, bacteria, etc etc etc. Per DR TOM COWAN, DR ANDREW KAUFMAN, DR SAM BAILEY. ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG book INVISIBLE RAINBOW directly correlates all disease outbreaks with mass electrifications -- power grid, RADAR, microwave comms, etc. We’ve all heard about the 5G rollout map perfectly overlaying with COVID outbreak map. Since we are first electrical beings, it makes perfect sense, no?

What was ’the browning of America’, now tested and proven, is being instituted elsewhere. Diversity is codeword for indigenous genocide. Remember: all colors and flavors are wonderful and great ...until you mix them all together. is mind-opening.

Funny Josh the dog growled-up as soon as JB said "end of the world" --- LOL, I spit out my sip of coffee laughing.