
Your comment has made me think about the other, medium-wave, control that Jason looked into months ago. It seems feasible that they tried that out in Rwanda in 1994, with devastating consequences. They don’t need a, ’mark of the beast’, for anyone other than Christians. They have everything covered.

Yep. You cannot continue living an illusion and escape consequences.

Mac=Mark Beast=Bluetooth Mark of the Beast=Bluetooth Mac address.

The ONLY thing I cannot agree on is "The Mark" being the actual and damnable jab In my understanding -right or wrong -the final and ultimate Mark of ownership will be to right hand/forehead . AND more importantly a knowing conscious decision by those confronted by an eternal consequence type of decision and allegiance to The Main Man himself . There is a massive reluctance /hesitancy in believing that SO many are Hell bound by being unknowingly duped and conned. Then there`s the obvious follow up question . Why did I not fall for it ,as I`m FAR from being where I`d like to be OR should be . Regardless , J ,excellent and compelling info . Thanks

Your reasoning lacks internal coherence. You wrote: "And when taking into account the parts of the world that were mostly free of the jab then it seems almost silly to me that we’d have such populations of non believers not even subjected to the possibility of taking the Mark." rnrnWhere’s the unwritten rule that says all have to receive the mark AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME? All having the mark doesn’t demand that all receive the mark at the exact same time.rnrnI might agree with your thesis but you failed to support it because of the obvious holes in your logic.

She stated she’s not able to do things with her baby since the shooting. By the looks of her I don’t think she was doing much with her baby before the event.

Body fluid flow is ancient esoteric energy stuff, in every culture that ever existed, as far back as we even have an inkling about...which these Sabbatean Frankists thrive upon. Unfortunately, for them, they have not realised that, having reduced the herd to husks, there will be no energy for them to feed upon. We are/were more than just electrical devices. They have conceived the most perfect form of slavery - but it will back-fire on them and they will turn on each other. The, ’Useful Idiot’, ’celebrities’ and media will be the first to find themselves, suddenly, at the bottom of the pyramid.

The 060606 patent is a full system of workers, tasks for workers, and payment for jobs done. It’s a crypto currency to the extent the humans are tasked with a job and paid all internally. At which point the people are paid. The Blockchain may or may not be public. Essentially this is the full on commercialization of humanity. They are paid for their services.

Why would they talk about "cryptocurrency" in the patent? Sure as hell seems as though it’s connected to the Blue tooth micro chips in the shots. If you don’t have the Blue tooth micro chip, you can’t buy or sell anything because you don’t have cryptocurrency. We all know about CBDC, right? Pretty easy to connect those dots.

Watch Robert Sepehr, ’the world’s most dangerous anthropologist’, debunk the ’Out of Africa’ myth and expose the culprits.

I think right now we should be more concerned about donations to keep the site alive and not bandwidth, without donations we don’t need to worry about bandwidth, all videos wherever they come from are fair game if they somehow relate to conditions in the conditions in the world and show the folly or vanity of humankind.

Brotherman, I don’t even have an iphone to try. I know some people have something but not sure what it is...sorry.

It’s always 153 material when it points to government incompetence. Even JewTube is a viable source.

on youtube.... is this 153 material?

2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. IMO the covid-19 vaccine is the strong delusion that has already wreaked havoc on the entire world.

I’d bet the Keystone Kops would not tackle a guy standing still with raised hands.

Hey there Jason. I have watched the vids regarding this topic ty for those, but I do not think there has been anything pertaining to how to test this with iphone. Is there a way?

I remember that incident, murdered him without justification.

You are absolutely right! Even more, according to Saint Nilus the Myrrh-streamer who lived at Mount Athos (born c. 1601, died 1651), those taking the mark will make a self declaration to the antichrist as follows "...You are mine, and I am yours; I come willingly, not by force...." Once this done there is no turning back for them, no repentance, they will start feeling the hell already from earth.

Humanity doesn’t have 20 years left. People put up their arms and took it. People were heavily coherenced down in south America to where we couldn’t buy food or goods without it. The Covid shot card became your ID for a while. Most Christians have been taught things about the mark of the beast that aren’t true. Tons of things rely on the Greek writing going to English. Humanity has been lost, this is the mark of the beast. And it probably isn’t over....when a human doesn’t scan in the future their right arm or head and they don’t show a Mac address, then it’s roll up your sleeve or die. This is the end of the end days I believe. When the unjabbed die off, that’s game over. Scriptures say there probably won’t be many left. The mark will be forced before it’s over.