
"Pouncy, 28, was visibly shaken during the interview as she recalled the incident that resulted in her being shot five times by police."rnrn miracle for sure! Even more miraculous is the fact that she made it back to the room where her friend was to tell her she was shot.

Idk if they’re controlled op, but Dr Jane Ruby has always annoyed me. She looks like she’s constantly worried about how she looks. Very odd behavior.

Fetzer did an excellent job. The initial signs of a shooting hoax are many eyewitnesses who are all immediately available for interview and videos of the event as it was happening. All mass shootings featuring an AR15 should immediately be suspected as hoaxes.


Anyone holding the "credentialed" in high esteem is not thinking for themselves. This lady thinks being "credentialed" is the epitome of great stature and deep thinking. There are two kinds of people in the world nowadays. Those that believe the lies and those that know they are lying.

Last thing I ever want to hear is someone with Russian or Chinese accents disseminating "truth"

Although there are those that discredit Dr. Ardis, it appears to me his recent information is corroborated - and therein lies a clot-shot therapy and immuno-damage reversal tchnique.

That’s the beauty of DNA, authentic paintings, later photographs and living memory. I can recall being a witness to living genealogy dating back to the 19th century. with living testimonial corroboration going back to 1843. and that’s a relative stone’s throw from George. We’re not completely at the mercy of liars and manipulators.... yet

Both Rich and UKCT are solid guys. I have no idea who it was using his name but I can’t see why either of them would ever waste their time attacking a site like 153news. They are more interested in exposing government lies.

Does anyone here know what happened to Halbig who was supposed to be in court on Feb 24th 2020?

Actually she’s been shot 17 times and hit 7 times. rnrn’s got to be a miracle! :-) :-) :-)

Regarding the Boston Un bombing. I recall, an apparently very rare video, showing a block long line of Paramedic ambulances waiting just a couple blocks away, never to see action. They apparently didn’t get the memo about the "magnificent Thing". That enormous medical tent just wheelchair distant from the "event stage". Great video, Thanks, Gary. P.S. Jim told me in an email years ago, I’m paraphrasing, that the instigators of these false flag events are waiting for living memory to die off. I’ll buy that. I believe censorship will/has taken care of the rest, while A.I. is destined, to reprogram those remaining.

I am not one to hold a grudge...and I have never felt the need to seek revenge - but, I would like to bear witness to that.

I`m amazed that ANYONE sets any store by what this obviously demonic AI entity has to say

For all we know for sure maybe George Washington was a black man. We know they have lied to us about everything, why not George. I’m not trying to say I believe he was black at all but I’m not willing to 100% believe anything we’ve been told about history.

Like you said about the Electro Frequency from the jabbed is it worth buying an EMF Meter and doing that along with the Bluetooth scans? I see there are EMF meter apps as well

Theres a guy called the Reiks Doktor on Bitchute his channel is "HumanSheeple" , he built several devices like this to remove the nanotech but not EMP, he used Magnets instead

Was that band Blues Image? What song?

Love this