
Where can I find the uncensored video?

right they will default to 720p or even higher but Finnius’ comment was about phones that you can’t set below 720p. I think every phone has that option. My point is only on the point that phones all go below 720p.

people need to find out who the spokesperson is and her background


i agree Bodger52 his video was bang on.

Spam is yum yum!

We live in a world of lies so trust no 1 or no tv or news jews too fukm alll! Seek God,Christ,ONLY way so they claim! Who knows that mite be a hoax too! God is real forsure so is satan but all books who knows we must have faith in things we cannot seee!!

It might be a hoax cause I just read that they called s.s.agents to report a mental distraught person was acting strange but Aaron filmed his walk to gate and didnt seem like a mental case plus in military uniform also seem to have house slippers on so how did s.s get there that fast wasnt ther gaurds on the seen already as you can hear them ask him can we help you sir then he set himself on fire... You also see guy pointing a gun at him and guy in white shirt say we dont need more guns we need fire extinguishers! So others were also pointing guns at him but werent seen in video out of camera view but what is strange is the phone was supposedly set down by Aaron but moves at the end seen like someone was holding it the entire time seen from the middle of driveway so just have been placed on a stand the video is to steady for hand held but moves right away shows car then stops filming !!strange indeed hoax? But why? This would only make wake people up to hating Israeli even more!! Maybe to speed up the destruction of things to destroy the old world order to bring the new world order Phoenix rising from the ashes!?! Remember ther has to be kaos in order to bring the order out of kaos!! This will definitely speed that process up!! I keep an open mind always so only time will maybe on to something here a d.g. I do apologize Time will tell but I still say fyi them jews!! they are the reasons for most wars ever committed thats a fact jack time will tell

How can any of you think this was fake? I just don’t get it. Its getting way to weird with many people that have been "seeking truth". Maybe time for some of you to take a break from it all. This incident was as real as it gets. And,, maybe just maybe his action might lead to the mass awakening we all desperately praying for for years

Post more proof cause this is not it!sorry Charlie

Look up the nukba!! So the genocide been happen for a long time now to long! Hamas is a israeli operation just like isis is Israel secret intelligence service! Isis. Look up the dancing Israelis on 911! Bauer family aka red shield roth child red cross are jews! ! Palestine dont run the world! ! jewsWanna do that jesuits Ashkenazi Talmudic serpent seed

This vid dont prove anything show me the money!!! I Am open to all scenario still and time will tell alll

Not all jews are bad just the talmud readers ..holocaust was fake ..I pray truth come out and wars stop this is a divide as Christ said members of our own family Will be our enemies! I to seek truth and prays always for peace but bible says there Will be a time for war and satans time is running low the great awakening is slowing takin place and truth fears no investigation it stands alone forever as love is forever hate dies!! It can be killed! But you can never destroy true love!!!never! Ever!

Tell you what our government dont have dual citizenship with Palestine!! The Palestine didnt do 911! Jeffery Epstein wasnt a Palestine agent! Our government is not sending billions and billions to Palestine for the last 50 years!! Palestine dont follow the talmud!! I Am sure I can come up with a few more!! Every one should be free except jews! We gota watch them sneaking baby penis sucking mf!! Free Palestine!! boycott israel! What did the jew banker say is written that the usa inc. Will be split in half if we stop supporting Satan seed synagogue of satan Talmudic Christ killing jews israel!! Sounds like a threat to me!! Time to exspell them mf from 2002 countries!! Or is it 2003! Lost count after so many exspellsions!! General patton said qoute I believe we were fighting the wrong enemy!! He was right thats why the jews killed him!

100% fake. If you can not see it’s fake you need to get your eyes examined. First clue should be the clarity of the cops dash cam. Looks like it was photographic quality of the 70s.

I think it’s easy to see through the artificer Bushnell as the korean scope of integrity that rests between the cross hairs at the brave Leupold people whose attraction and sentiments become apparent from the cavitational pull of the emotional Vortex that this weapon of war created or is intended to create. Did you or yours take the bait, that is the question. My only question is why not take the shotgun approach to draw everyone in. It’s shown that his soul is of the devil when camera flash emits the red cornea. Therefore deception is inevitable.

I think it’s easy to see through the artificer Bushnell as the korean scope of integrity that rests between the cross hairs at the brave Leupold people whose attraction and sentiments become apparent from the cavitational pull of the emotional Vortex that this weapon of war created or is intended to create. Did you or yours take the bait, that is the question. My only question is why not take the shotgun approach to draw everyone in.

It seems like he stood in one spot for WAY longer than s.o. on fire would, and why was the cop pointing his gun at him? That is what a cop who is acting would probably think he should did they get a fire extinguisher so quickly? How did he stop screaming in pain? Would fire kill you that quickly

Whether this guy did burn himself for Gaza, or it was CGI, or this was MKUltra at its finest the fact remains the emergency vehicles were on the scene way sooner than expected if this wasn’t staged and planned in advance. I don’t believe for a second that Aaron Bushnell is some kind of a hero.

I have multiple old phones and they are defaulted to 720p.