
Dude, you have no proof this was a fake. The last time the media showed a mangled or burned dead body was Tamerlan Tsarvaev, of the Boston Marathon Hoax, and THAT was FAKE. I know you want to be "right" but you have no proof this was a hoax other than your "gut" feeling. Unless you can prove the video itself is a complete fake, you have to accept you might be wrong about this one. It’s OK. It happens to everyone at some point.

I am so furious at you Tim. I watched your docs of Ivermectin and I paid attention. But you never bring up the ’other’ studies that Ivermectin won the ’Nobel Peace Prize’ in 2015 and that Ivermectin has been used to cure yellow fever, dangee disease and parasites for over 20 years. It has been distributed to over 40 million people over the years. When covid started in 2020 one province in India refused the vaccines and handed out Ivermectin and Vitamin D to everyone in their province and they only had a couple of covid cases throughout the province. It was headline news in India. Our gov’t found out and banned it and forced them to get the vaccines and covid skyrocketed. Right now it is being in ’studies’ for cancer as per the NIH. Stop your nonsense and do your research! I have been talking Ivermectin (horsepaste) for 4 years and it brought me out of my daily sick bed of months, into complete health and I continue to take it as a prophylactic monthly. I am the only one in my circle of vacc friends that has never gotten sick since the vax rollout. Absolutely no side affects. I am 75 unvaxxed. I’ve read all your main stream research who are all involved in the ’agenda’ and continue to try scare us with their ’so called research’ against this. You are the one who is so wrong on this! Please research the other side of the coin for yourself and retract your dangerous stance on this. Why would all governments ban this product if they want to depopulate the world and according to you IVM could kill you! It wasn’t banned before the jabs.

At 1:25 why does the camera move or refocus. I’m done with this one. Next hoax Washington, this one you fked up again.

Explain the lack of movement in trees and brush (even just behind the fence) in the background compared to the winds of flame.

Respect your opinion but disagree. In this video, they are already setting it up that military personnel share the same sentiments and inclinations as Aaron, framing military personnel as unhinged and unpredictable in their own country. And, with respect, knowing someone who set himself on fire does not prove this is real. There is no proof of a dead body or up close evidence or inspection of the alleged burning. I get it that people feel strongly the other way but the only “evidence” of self-immolation is a video and the narrative attached to it

Clipbucket, right straight out of Pakistan. Lucas Gage right straight out of the military. A tool trying to sell this fake garbage for the sole purpose of lining his own pocket. He obviously has not analyzed the video frame by frame. Military people are never really out of the military. I like how he pauses like a preacher trying to sell his story. If he put that much energy into being a standup comedian he would be world renowned. I also like how he insists the guy is dead. Did he see the body. Did he take his pulse. Or is he basing his ’opinion’ on some other rhetoric. I also like his backdrop displaying all his military tools of intimidation whereas if he were a genuine ’American Patriot’ he would have an american flag or things of that sort distancing himself from his military ’toolness’. Once you see through the lies of such propaganda you’ll see the humor in it. Divide and conquer through deception.

There are actually several spammers that create a barrage of lengthy comments almost as if to make it unable for others to comment, I mean 15 inches to a page x 5 ridiculous.

I’m around them uniforms everyday. The name tag is much more pronounced than what we see here. The name tag here is illegible. He has none of the other badges normally seen either. I suspect the same reason as the selected footwear. You can easily see the dispersion of the liquid. It clearing douses his right shoulder and back with minimal coverage of his left shoulder, back, and arm. One should question the amount of liquid compared to the volume of flames shown as well. Yet upon ignition, you see the initial flames generate from his left back and shoulder area at 1:31. At 1:47 you can see his rear complete torso and legs are not on fire when he is perpendicular to the camera. You can easily see throughout the flame cycle the peaks of yellowness (photons) of the flames, from additional accelerants. Simple physics. I find it hilarious that they are mocking black-body radiation here knowing the current climate of the Blackened States of America. Aside from common sense analytics, the back story is already progressing with one side chastising christianity about some religious cult and the other side saying his roots are jewish. Stories include his sexuality as well saying he was a homo. This shit is totally fake. And of course the sheeple will not dare to even think twice about this one either. They’ll just take the bait and move on. And once again they are covering all the angles in order to hide within the chaos. What do they say, you can bullshit some of the people some of the time yet never bullshit them all. Those ones are the real targets of such events. Good day mates.

Them actors suck as well. Invite yall to go frame by frame. They fked this one up too. They blacked out his entire head and face completely way too early just as they stopped rolling the camera at the end to late. At 1:37 you can see the flame suit. You can easily see there is zero wind movement of the trees and brush in the background yet the flames appear to be ripping from the wind. Any intellectual mind can see through this garbage.

Them actors suck as well. Invite yall to go frame by frame. They fked this one up too. They blacked out his entire head and face completely way too early just as they stopped rolling the camera at the end to late. At 1:37 you can see the flame suit. You can easily see there is zero wind movement of the trees and brush in the background yet the flames appear to be ripping from the wind. Any intellectual mind can see through this garbage.

Donations are Yum yum. You spam our site with "comments" but NEVER donate to keep this amazing site alive. Go the fuck back to youtube. Nobody cares what you think.

The cop drawing on him adds an element to the equation of fostering the negativity towards the cops currently in our culture. Trigger happy, especially when black body radiation is involved. The government does nothing without there being multi facets akin to a diamond.

Brother, I want to first state, I like your work. I’m open to anything, based on proof and even the possibility something like this could be staged using Hollywood type technology. So I did a search about it. I found a video describing how they set many actors on fire in The Game of Thrones. It’s amazing to see. HOWEVER, They make it clear that the MAXIMUM amount of time they can have an actor on fire is 15 SECONDS. This guy was on fire for 1 full minute, FOUR TIMES LONGER, than the MAXIMUM time. He didn’t have a mask on his face either. Unless the stated Hollywood stunt actor time on fire can be proven to last one minute, this can’t be debunked as a hoax.

I’m around them uniforms everyday. The name tag is much more pronounced than what we see here. The name tag here is illegible. He has none of the other badges normally seen either. I suspect the same reason as the selected footwear. You can easily see the dispersion of the liquid. It clearing douses his right shoulder and back with minimal coverage of his left shoulder, back, and arm. One should question the amount of liquid compared to the volume of flames shown as well. Yet upon ignition, you see the initial flames generate from his left back and shoulder area at 1:31. At 1:47 you can see his rear complete torso and legs are not on fire when he is perpendicular to the camera. You can easily see throughout the flame cycle the peaks of yellowness (photons) of the flames, from additional accelerants. Simple physics. I find it hilarious that they are mocking black-body radiation here knowing the current climate of the Blackened States of America. Aside from common sense analytics, the back story is already progressing with one side chastising christianity about some religious cult and the other side saying his roots are jewish. Stories include his sexuality as well saying he was a homo. This shit is totally fake. And of course the sheeple will not dare to even think twice about this one either. They’ll just take the bait and move on. And once again they are covering all the angles in order to hide within the chaos. What do they say, you can bullshit some of the people some of the time yet never bullshit them all. Those ones are the real targets of such events. Good day mates.

Sorry, Dangerous Goy. This video does not prove that the immolation was a hoax. These are not your standard, ridiculous, smiling crisis actors. I have not seen anything else to prove it was a hoax either; the truth may become apparent. I know someone who actually set himself on fire and died because of it. David Buckel in NY, an "environmental activist" who was protesting the use of "fossil fuels" as affecting "climate change," the poor deluded soul. So, yes, it happens.

I read the article, if true it sounds familiar to the type of goings on at the crypt at Skull and Bones at Yale dehumanizing the initiates.

CLEARLY ON THE RIGHT TRACK WHEN WIKIPEDIA PUT THIS - Barbara O’Neill in 2018rnBorn 28 July 1953 (age 70)rnNationality AustralianrnOccupation Alternative medicine personalityrnYears active 2004–2020rnKnown for ( Dangerous and unsubstantiated alternative medicine claims )rnSpouse Michael O’Neill

Where can I find the uncensored video?

right they will default to 720p or even higher but Finnius’ comment was about phones that you can’t set below 720p. I think every phone has that option. My point is only on the point that phones all go below 720p.

people need to find out who the spokesperson is and her background