
Levi being interviewed buy another J-ewe Amy Good-Man, as I’m looking for this guy’s?Adams Apple. Social justice = Communism. The military of today is a continuation of Clinton’s don’t ask, don’t tell.

Do they accept videos at the morgue?

Yep. And at 2:10 he really tries to drum up the emotion and tears but can’t pull it off.

Good point.

There is no way in hell this feminine piece of shit could make it through basic training and the pictures we’ve seen of Aaron, he doesn’t look any more masculine.

You’re right about one thing, he’s not going to win any crisis acting awards with no smiling, smirking, etc.

This is GTA

He said "careers" not queers.

I was fully expecting The Clangers to emerge from the craters of "the moon". ( showing my age there ). At the risk of being strung up. I`m reminded of the genius of Stanley Kubrick - Jewish_- in help fake the " real" landings back in 69 . Ah ,I remember it well . THAT was believable ,as opposed to this CGI CRAP .

I’d say they were crocodile tears but their weren’t any, not even a runny nose.

I for 1 said it was a PSYOP!

Oh how that Robbie Parker sigh at 1:17 just gives his dumb ass away. lmao at these clowns. At 3:15 "they were both ready for their queers", lol.

RIP that man. People are broken now.

Yeah, I mean, I’m not seeing how this is a hoax. We really need to have higher standards as to what we call hoax or not. Some people on this site (not necessarily you), just say everything is a hoax and it’s much like the people screaming controlled op every 5 minutes about literally everything. You want proof of a burned body? Well you just watched it with your own eyes. Also this doesn’t look like AI video either.

The monk that set himself on fire to protest against foreign intervention during the Vietnam war was real but it was preplanned (staged) in advance, just like this one was IMO. Let’s not forget all the mind control programs the military has conducted on soldiers and citizens alike. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what their motivation’s are until after their aims have materialized.

I’m starting to believe that this was 100% real, but why did he do it? To be a hero, which appears to be what is happening or was he a Manchurian candidate (MKUltra) victim? I believe this was staged and planned out. Look how fast the emergency vehicles arrived and the police standing there with their thumbs up their asses. This seems staged to me, but why?

I`m used to all the fake shootings /crisis acting bollocks over recent years ALL virtually without exception ,even a blind man could see through . This - and obviously I`m open to correction -does NOT in my estimation -for what its worth -,fall into that category . I sometimes wonder what these sceptics would have made of other brave martyrs to their cause ( regardless of belief) throughout history .

Bro.. Again with respect, show me evidence of burns on a physical body and a dead body. You cannot. This is not a matter of me being right or wrong, but of evidence.

Bro, appreciate your desire to get to the truth as well as the compliment. As you said earlier, we will just have to agree to disagree. There are a multitude of videos on YT where they talk about how to fake setting people on fire using multiple means or use CGI or AI to fake it. It wasn’t that long ago that videos were circulating of the Eiffel tower engulfed in flames, which turned out to be a total AI fake but millions liked it, shared it, and believed the video. Besides that, to definitively prove the self-immolation narrative requires evidence of burns and death, which I don’t see. So, as this video demonstrates, they are now running the same script they do after a fake mass shooting, creating heroes, community outpouring and candlelight vigils.