
Talk about a wild ride.

Thank you.

Brother, it was real. Please refer to FatDumbHappyYank comment above. He lives there.

I’ve already called you out as a troll. It’s the fucking ISRAELI EMBASSY. THAT’S why police were there so quickly my troll friend.

Sorry people, this is real. And he’s not the first person to do this kind of thing. It was on a Sunday. Very little foot traffic. He was outside the embassy, not attacking it. Police were there quickly because it IS the Israeli embassy.

You’re right, I knew that. I don’t know why I made that comment. Maybe a little Dementia.

That’s a great test bro, I’m glad its useful... it looks much better with the graph line showing...I couldn’t do a big test because I’m stuck at home. Its good to test on magnets as well, it goes crazy on them

No. It’s real and he’s probably stationed out of Andrew’s AFB or the Pentagon. Sounds like you’ve never lived in D.C. or spent time working or walking down Embassy Row. I have and it was Sunday so very little cars or foot traffic on most Sundays in February where it’s still fairly cold in Washington D.C. The only thing that struck out to me was he was not wearing his cover (hat) walking but he was live streaming to show his face. Another life lost to the Satanic Zionist military industrial complex.


He was filming himself with his phone as he walked toward the embassy. He put the phone down, walked away, and it filmed him as he set himself on fire.

Just today I had to get testy with a close one. Everybody seems to have excuses not to do the right thing. I compromised and decided on finely ground (standard grain) Himalayan Sea salt. Sometimes what should be easy decisions, are like having a tooth pulled. Thanks for your comments.

I’m not sure what to make of this one. The emergency vehicles arrived on scene way too fast for my liking. As Finnius stated there were no pedestrians in sight, no cars and who was filming? At first glance this looks like this was an MKUltra possibility because the fire does appear real.

Don’t be cheap, buy the best you can get! :)

This is what I would recommend. It costs a lot more but you get what you paid for.rnrn

I like her videos. Keep in mind Celtic Sea Salt have different kinds of salts. I would only buy "Flower of the Ocean" and "Makai Pure" The other salts they sell, have high lead content. Read more here:

Exactly, I tell my kids that those who rule this world now are those individuals that have inherited an empire of deceit and immense wealth over time. People born into these bloodlines are taught how to make sure that the slaves never advance and that they maintain and expand their wealth of knowledge , money and power. Once these parasitic bloodlines gained an upper hand, they never let go. They made sure their offspring would carry their torch.

unfortunately...i have to call this a fake video. This is 2024 yet this video has the same quality as the "christchurch live video"...about 240p...Do you know of any camera that you can set BELOW 720p (HD quality) nowadays? Also consider how quickly the police response is. at 1:00 the puts the camera down. at 1:16 someone says "hi sir can i help you?". at 1:45 you hear police sirens start to wail. at 2:08 the police have parked and shut off the siren. Assuming someone else there called police at the same time the guy says "can i help you" (you can hear a woman and another man speaking while the 1st guys is saying "can i help you"...figure 10 seconds to tell dispatcher there is a guy there/suspicious/etc. (lets say 1:25 just to be nice) 20 seconds later police are running sirens and rolling. gets there and is parked 22 SECONDS later. You you think that it is possible for police to get dispatch call and arrive on scene in 44 seconds? And don’t say "its an embassy they got police nearby...well if that’s the case police would have been following that guy from a block or 2 away since he appears to be the only person in the area (while he’s walking there are ZERO cars or pedestrians to be seen. also can’t hear any cars pass him while he’s walking). Fire stuntman/closed off location/staged scene. I gotta call this fake.

PSYOP IMO. Just outside the Israel Embassy and he’s not being monitored I don’t think so, plus no one is trying to stop him as he unsuccessfully tries to light himself up and who is filming the video as he is walking to the designated spot to be burnt? Not saying it’s not real, but more likely a Manchurian Candidate. If the human bonfire didn’t get him the asphyxiation with chemicals in the fire extinguisher finished him off.

Bizzarro "logic" by the Ruskie. Dr Jane looks like she’s gained 40 lbs in the last couple years.