
Nice find, and Trump is scum ofc, but Maga seems to be female, with Magus being male. Maybe Trump is really a woman?

You are only a battery to them - MATRIX

I think these guys are both controlled opposition. This is them slowly letting the cat out of the bag. And it’s not the worst of the news. The worst of the news is not only is their DNA corrupt but they are now cyborgs running some crappy Bill Gates operating system.

yes, we are doomed

Been a long long time.

They really need to do some lab bloodwork on these people that think they are other genders. If your testosterone is under 900, start a TRT program. All these half men need is a major dose of T!

It’s great he’s coming out like this, but DeSantis was pushing the shots hard, in the beginning.

An excellent video which needs to be downloaded for future reference, my only beef is with the continued insistence that covid actually existed and that there was a pandemic. The real pandemic was the delusion that it was real and that people had to run out and get vaccinated to save themselves and everyone on the face of the earth, and those that resisted were enemies of the human race, and none of that has gone away, nor will it as, they tell you in every comercial that covid and all it’s variants and mutations are not going away. Any pestilences as the Bible reference to them are a direct result of this strong delusion perpetrated against humanity through these evil injections.

Could they also use these controlled cyborgs to commit heinous acts making them believe they were doing a righteous act for the greater good, like a paid assassin or a super soldier? I’m sure this isn’t just about getting robots to buy the latest high end sneakers or to drink orange juice and buy pizza and soft drinks for corporate America.

Why does this remind me of the fake ISIS terrorists.

The payments will go to the people who watched the ad unconsciously. Yes the people are essentially being used as batteries. More than likely ads will be played when the cyborg is sleeping but it doesn’t have to be. it seems as if they control the unconscious cyborgs conscious. So maybe they empty out the last of their orange juice and they get an ad for Tropicana. This is Sci-Fi from hell.

We could always take the site offline as to not upset the people adding numbers into anything. You guys are both free to throw some cash at some new logos. You can add and divide any numbers up and find things you are suspect of. Not everything was built on numerology. Not everything is scantless. You fellas are about 8 years to late in your speculation.

It’s a psyop, there’s some truth to it, but that’s all.. Ask yourself, how can everyone with a three legged, one eyed parrot and their monkeys uncle, like yourself, attack "The Jews" relentlessly every day and be allowed to get away with it with no repercussions if what you lot say is true, and there are millions of you..rnTry going for The Scottish Rite and The Masonic Control Structure and see how far you get.. There’s at least one in every street, most cops are masons, Not Jews, it won’t be long dude......

Ye, hang on, i have that video in my pocket, let me just get it out... It was over thirty years ago mate, i know what i heard him say and his subsequent actions corroberate it.. Icke did the same, he said he had a visit from two lovely guys from The Scottish Rite, haven’t heard him mention them negatively since.. So you can take that how you like or observe and see what he does/says... Yes, and gibberish "they" are crucifying me for... They don’t attack you if what you are saying is gibberish...

The Substituted Paul McCartney was the operative and still is...

His targets were the Establishment, that’s why they murdered himrn

I noticed the symbols awhile back as well. Also, 153 is an interesting number beyond just fish in Scripture. If you add up the 6 different numbers made by using all 3 digits and then divide by 3, it’s a 666. You can get 3 more 666’s with adding just 2 numbers one can make from the 3 digits also. I’d like to personally see no logo in all honesty, but it’s just one guy’s thought.

Do you have a good source showing that DARPA created the vaccines? Because Jeff Besos Grandfather worked for DARPA and was directly involved with Monsanto. It would be great to make a clear connection between the Besos family, DARPA, the vaccines, and Amazon.

Exactly as you say. It’s definitely a painful process for anyone who is aware of those truths you mention, to relive the obvious. It is a necessary process for people just coming to the truth. The current incarnation of lies has to be brought into the spotlight, no matter how repetitious to the well informed, no matter how painful. I’m contemplating an expose of the endless propaganda labeled "The Nightly News" . There is a very distinct propaganda pattern and method to that particular madness. Thanks for your well thought comment.

Yes, not to mention the Gulf War Syndrome caused by injecting the military with Anthrax vaccines and others., Agent Orange in Vietnam, Dr. Frederick Lamont Gates injecting the military in 1918 with Rockefeller vaccines, etc.