
Thank you Boss.

The number 33 on the front of the ship says it all. They left their calling card just like the bridge in Pittsburgh, PA.

Tells us and shows us who the real terrorists are, shame he didn’t mention 9/11, but he did a great job..

That guy was great!..................and of course the typical sheep yelling "shut up" and the ass kisser Karen bitch trying to block him. Must not have had any cops near by or he probably would have been tased, beaten and dragged out.

Over at FARCEbook they must be using bots in the comments about this. The comments were either "sending prayers" or on a post that showed the explosions all the comments were about electric cables breaking after the start of the collapse causing the sparks/explosions. The problem with that is the bridge steel explosions happened FIRST BEFORE the collapse. Also I don’t see any reason for the bridge to fail to the right of the other pillar. Seems to me that the bridge from the 2nd pillar back to shore would still have structural support and should have remained standing. time stamp time stamp time stamp

Quick someone snag the videos shown on the NBC Today news this morning at 7:08. It shows the bridge rails cutter charge marks clearly seen and ignored.

Quick someone snag the videos shown on the NBC Today news this morning at 7:08. It shows the bridge rails cutter charge marks clearly seen and ignored.

Quick someone snag the videos shown on the NBC Today news this morning at 7:08. It shows the bridge rails cutter charge marks clearly seen and ignored.

Ohh, say can you’s the Francis Scott Key... in other news Dali had wealthy catholic patrons that stoked the Spanish civil war while his contemporary, Picasso fell afoul of the fascist regime for supporting the resistance. Baltimore is the headquarters of the Catholic Church in America, and home to the Jesuit Georgetown university.

She seems to ramble on a bit. So proof of what she is saying would be nice. Morgellon since 1600s Don’t buy that. I think I hear the Drones or are they low Satalites.. Some are extremely low. I can practly count the lights on them.I didn’t hear her give any solutions.? .

We are good for the month! Thank you everyone! Huge love and thanks!

WW3 Judisum vs Islam

No America is on the verge of Judgement from Yahuah and it’s coming finally the Whore = aka the banksters rothschild the khazars the lenders the statutory law merchants that rides the beast = the vatican jesuit order will devour the whore and time is running out and they know it


It’s to protect Jews and their total control from being exposed.

He meant Go Fraud Me.

Newsflash! I’m a widow, and can prove it in 5 minutes with the death certificate, autopsy report, wedding certificate, school and medical records UNLIKE these treasonous TRAITORS!