
William Wallace and Robert the Bruce were the bad guys and in with their English Phoenician ruler cousins. Hollywood usually spins the bad to look like the good in many films about history. In this scene the way to look at it is that Wallace was rallying the remaining overpopulating gentile Scots to their deaths. They should have killed him all his sidemen and went home.

RIP Lucy

RIP Lucy

anyone who bought a bumper sticker was refunded.

I donated and didn’t get my bumper sticker and uploaded a video on the upload section and it got posted without credit ... So you know good luck.

To the thumbs down, No amount of evidence will ever persuade an Idiot ...... Mark Twain

Yup, everyday where I live, many people today don’t know what a blue sky with a yellow sun looks like, they are the proverbial frog that has been cooked in the kettle, they are beyond all hope.

Their Iron Dome missile defence ,was exposed as a hoax years ago ,( and by Jews living In Israel) on Spew Tube before it was bought out and effed by that scummy organisation Google

Lying scumbag ! It`s BLATANTLY obvious by now that our weather is completely effed and controlled. Here in Scotland almost never ending winds , FREEZING rain and grey /brown "cloud "cover. As for sunshine and heat .Iv`e almost forgotten what that looked OR felt like

I`ve had to revise my initial opinion on this one . There`s precious little evidence of ANY knife attack ,let alone the horrendous injuries and aftermath it would have left.

Much thanks and love!!

Upper level low, if that’s not an oxymoron.

Re: the Beatles item 29:50 -- Didnt that Lennon-look-alike-sound-alike Mark Staycer, who apparently died just the end of last year, once call in to Dr Fetzer’s radio show ?


Yup! Just blame all the vac deaths on long COVID. That’s how they get away with Geneside..

Total Psyop, if so-called Christian Bishop were truly a man of God he would come out and say this never happened, but he too is a part of the hoax.

I believe oz is one of the 77 names for the Devil in the Satanic Bible.

Thanks! A great job decoding the show.

Duping Delights from Scum of the Earth lying Talking Head News Reporter.

This “weather” is as normal as the poll results of 51-49 we see in phony selections.