
This is great. Not much video on this event and it was a winner!

Watch this: The New Sutherland Springfield video. There you see what the main "Pastor" is all about. On youtube you can see what the channel: inTruthbyGrace, uploaded about this church, you won’t believe...

Minute 8:00 you ask the guy about the tragedy of the truthers, and this guy laughs as if he knows ecactly what will happen to many in this so called truther community. The same that happened to the primordial Jews during WW2. What a nice sense of humour.... this guy is sold out. Watch here: The New Sutherland Springs video. There you can see what people have infiltrated this "church". This is way bigger than just a hoax, these are wicked people running a "babtiste church". This is how they celebrate how luke warm and dumbed down many Christians are, all in public. Absolutly sickening! We need to save those who fall for these traps, these false teachers leading the people away from God.

So funny...this character is one of my is my guess at the was a tough call.

He knows now he has to carry that burden. Terrible

How did he get sucked into this fraud

Too funny. Thank you.

OMG this is hilarious! The stick figures! Bahahahahaha.

Sasheer Zamata SNL is playing the young woman.

Such a funny scene. I have done a whole series on the Bataclan but I don’t have it back up yet. You would be surprised at the people involved. The funerals are especially good.

It is most likely that the Robbie Parker character was played by MacKenzie Astin. That would be Patty dukes kid. MacKenzie’s brother Sean has three little blonde girls just the right size.

Right... takes twice for any semblance of the law to make things right. FFS never call 911!!!

Very well done..thank you.

Police State Gone Wild

Thank you for making this video.

It is glaringly apparent that SH is a theatrically staged event.

Nice catch!