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Jennifer Irvine, deceased is the first girl. This is not fake.

Are all these shootings false?

how did a new york amish person end up in sutherland springs. who is this guy?

That was freakin awesome.... sharing big time

3m02s The holohoax believing Pastor says the church land is owned by a Jew. That’s the most telling part of Side Thorn’s investigation to me. Another (((psyop)))

excellent interview

I think you are correct. The same thing happened in Australia.

GOOGLE " 45 Declared Goals of Communism " ( US Congress 1963) . Read off the 45 Bullet Points ( mainly after No:11 ) and see how they are unfolding in our societies. " THE white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the white means the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the ’ pax Judaica ’ and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people’s. " – Rabbi Rabbinovich, Jan 12, 1952.

Can’t have a hoax w/o red shoes!

The strawman

The strawman

i haven’t heard anything about him last few weeks. i hope he is well. i figure the new zealand government will deport him back to australia. i highly doubt the local yids who control new zealand will never allow him asylum

Great video!! It’s funny how once you learn how to really listen to the double speak these people use, it takes only a very short time to be able to see through the bullshit and recognize them for the slimeballs they are. First the guy is trying to sell us a brand new sprinkler system (no thanks!) and then he says that people should be able to do with their own land what they wish WITHIN REASON. Well, whose reason exactly?? Anyway, definitely DEW, no doubt about it!! Thanks for the excellent video!!

Not a drop ... who believes this stuff.??

Every brainwashed idiot in America has a stupid phone not one in this video ...why?

Cell phones are missing very strange no tears or cell phone in every hand

Fake for sure

People buy this crap and are too busy with spending paycheck or welfare check on garbage for a so called religious holy day traditions of men that makes void the world of God

Only the houses not the green trees or grass near houses