cooper likes It in the pooper
Francine Wheeler has been identified as actress Catherine Rusoff...wife of actor Ed O’Neil. Check it out!
Now what are they trying to do to us?
I trust Dr Oz to tell the truth because hes on tv........what a lying scumbag.
2012 was a mass awakening to the truth ! love the vids!
thanks for showing this...I believe he was an actor. Like all the others.
shes a terrorist for going along with the false flag and lying to the people. off with her head
This is one of my favorites!! Pooper asked her if she remembered the guy who "saved her life" and she didn’t even remember that he was missing half his arm?? Yeah, right!! Love this video!!
A lot of your videos have zero audio.
That Shit is rough to take - :D !
Thanks for this!! Too many Americans are unaware of these types of things in our history. This speech was given five years before I was born, but I’d always heard about it growing up.
Richard Nixon’s much-praised, oft-scorned "Checkers Speech." Delivered by then-Senator Nixon on the evening of September 23, 1952, in a dramatic attempt to answer charges that he abused a political expense fund, the half-hour address was the first American political speech to be televised live for a national audience and was watched or heard by some 60 million people.
Top shout out !
Anyone that believes this was real is delusional. Where are the 600 kids?
YouTube Investigator Anaconda MaltLiquor has provided som footage of bicycles being crushed by a machine and run over by a tank, which look great compared to those on the bike trail mangled by Saipov. – 11 min 5 sec – and one minute forward:
A classic!
I don’t understand peoples’ fascination with other peoples’ emotions: "What are you feeling?" Everything’s about feeeelings! Woewoewoe feelings! I feel!!! Feewings! Blah blah blah.
Yes they are.