
Everything is electromagnetism. It’s our core energetic structure and it’s pattern is in all life. The Earths electromagnetic field and the human Aura/ torus field are the same pattern. So there is a self sustaining field being generated moving up through the body from the ground and over and around again. Same with the Earth. There is an energy coming up through the ground and out the central north pole axis going up and over and emitting the Northern Lights and going around the sky in a dome ,to come back down to the circumference of the earth plane. As it hits ground again it is absorbed and regenerated. And the process continues.

Everything is electromagnetism. It’s our core energetic structure and it’s pattern is in all life. The Earths electromagnetic field and the human Aura/ torus field are the same pattern. So there is a self sustaining field being generated moving up through the body from the ground and over and around again. Same with the Earth. There is an energy coming up through the ground and out the central north pole axis going up and over and emitting the Northern Lights and going around the sky in a dome ,to come back down to the circumference of the earth plane. As it hits ground again it is absorbed and regenerated. And the process continues.

I agree! What a super video. I just send it to a friend.

666 Air France

Nice video...

Test reply...

drone emptying it’s tanks over Central Texas.

Good video. :D


Good, keep uploading...

Infowars Joe Biggs Interview Exposes Gatekeepersrn

A few miles south of Austin.

Scary scary scary.

You cant even see the skies anymore! Oh the slow kill has begun :(

Where in Texas is this?

We stopped counting at 33 false flag mass shootings.

Side Thorn love you man your great we need alot more of you out here the lies make me sick and your work is out standing think you so much i stand with you always


