
Yet they allow David Hogg and the rest of the muppet show to post what they like .

the fuck.....literally signed up today and my account is already banned????? are we so sure this is a patriot site???

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and last time i checked....automatic weapons have been banned for years.....first the ar-15, next the m4, then the sks, next is .308, then .243, then shotguns, pistols, revolvers.....they won’t stop til they disarm the nation....we cannot give an inch, because they want a mile.....1776 is today, its time to take our final stand brothers and sisters......for tomorrow may not come, i type this with tears in my eyes.....i am truly afraid of whats to together my friends! glory.......glory.....hallelujah! glory.......glory.....hallelujah........

Yes, It is really coooool that we have him here!

project mocking bird is in full effect.....the stupid will follow this narrative, its up to us to spread the truth....never give up fellow patriots!!

Did you see the moon last night!?! It had a ring around it just like that sun photo!

Ellen! ELLEN!!

Hell, my 8 yr old sees right thru these ridiculous crisis actors and the footage they show on Fake News. She laughs her butt off and points out problems I sometimes miss, but then again she’s smarter than most 8 yr olds! She started 4th grade at 7!

Exactly. When we have won - we are the majority - the people will decide what happens to the traitors. That may be a time for violence, maybe not. For now, we must strengthen our numbers and wake people up.

The hokey, corny music is not helping, very distracting, kind of lame.

Great compilation .

Donald Trump is a hoax. Who decided to put him on TV for 40 years, and give political opinions? It’s David Hogg times a million. Trump is an ace in the hole. He’s an agent, but not for the Russians.

SGTReport just uploaded a shitstorm video: Might as well watch it while it’s still up at YT.

I agree, we take the high road with heads held high.

Love Jim Fetzer. He once referenced one of my vids, I nearly fell off the chair. 👍

Eat lots of REAL meat, not processed, lots of greens, watch out for yogurt that contains tons of sugar, buy plain yogurt and add your own fruit to it like bananas, etc... Take apple cider vinegar daily, couple tablespoons in a glass of water, make sure it’s real ACV with the "mother" and not the stuff from Heinz next to the white vinegar.

And thanks to you, I’m part of it too. ❤️👍😀

I couldn’t agree more. The best bit is that 153 can only get better.

We’re glad to make 153news what is is. But more importantly, thanks for making