
Of course no one went to the moon. As if some one cross the Atlantic Ocean with boat – and after that it going 49 years and no one had try that again.rnIt is 2018 – and there’s still people that believes that this is true. Thanks The Dialogue for the video! And remember Nixon could even do a call to the moon! Believable? Not! Best moon landing exposing ever in my opinion – Do you still believe we went to the moon:

Fucking clowns!!

CPAC = 14 22 23 FAKE = 14 22 23... enough said.

Super! This video is perfect to has as an answer to the Florida Shooting fraudsters that in the same breath mentions Sandy Hook. So next time anyone knows someone who died i Sandy Hook - I know what to answer.

That was interesting thanks...

Good eyes I missed that.

Ship this Cunt to Detroit & see what she has to say about guncontrol...Why is there a saucepan in the closet?

And a 33 on the yellow ticket at the end 👍

Yes, the trick is that Rump wanted the Conservative Far Right to think he was talking about the Jew-snake. The Fable about the Ducks and the Hens is unmistakable so the Rump couldn’t use that.

16(7)11(2) 27 77 HOAX !!!! cheers

So much code!!!! this is a great vid.

Haven’t seen any helicopters/cops/medics or blood anywhere. Firemen were there but they had to stand & wait for 50 min or so before they could enter the "crimescene". Lying Fucking Cunt!

That’s the difference, these other vids on here are not revealing any code in the hoaxes, they don’t go all the way. Nice work!!!!

Stone and Jones are jewish and everyone else on infowars are sellouts. When presented with the JQ it’s either the communist chinese or they respond like this

Its obvious to you and me, but the TV tells a different story. Just like all the fake terror, fear mongering. So obvious but the sheeple are asleep. Preaching peace and love gets censored today. ’They’ would be fucked in peace broke out.

The Scorpion and the Frog is an animal fable that seems to have first emerged in 1954. A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so –

The Scorpion and the Frog is a fairy tale –

All True! Thx for watching! Keep pushing on, wake up the ones you can!

Banned from ThemTube and ThemBook, banned from friends and family, banned from co-workers and job; how the hell supposed to live like this? Can’t post on Web, self censored. They’ll put one in a box and put boxes inside one, pills I mean.

Thank you for the link and your advice. I actually saw deception myself, although the JW’s I spoke to all seemed honest legitimate people doing what they believed was right. As with most organised religions it comes from the top.rnI originally thought they had done a good thing trying to translate the Bible all over again, but perhaps some of it was designed to mislead, without researching this I can’t comment. I will look at the book you linked to.