
In the Universe, in Nature, nothing is the same. The Difference is the Law. Even a crystal of snow is distinguished from the others. You could say that it was God who made the infinite inequalities. God created the races, also the countries, nations etc. To pretend to mix them and end the differences is to impoverish the world and to act against the Will of the Creator. Furthermore, either by force or by cunning, Nature makes the stronger overpower the weaker. Not understanding it, surrendering meekly, dreaming of a nonexistent equality between races and countries, is to facilitate the slavery imposed on the world today by a Secret World Government

ADL JEWS , Super-racist criminals, who preach anti-racism and integration in order to better establish its dominance and totalitarian dictatorship upon earth.rnrnDECEIVING YOU with the "dream" of a global village, of a "globalism", promoted by that hidden INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL Power, with their free trade, or theirrn"socialist", capitalist, Marxist, internationalist enslaving doctrine.rn

Thank you, I will be sharing this extremely hard to find video.

You found it!!!!

Ahhhh ,those far off halcyon days ,before You Tube became Screw YouTube .Bought out by those Google scum bags . Now unbearable to watch/ listen to. ESPECIALLY their shi--ty adverts and censored comments section . And NOW the bastards seem to have pulled the plug on Bit Chute. It was bad enough when they torpedoed Brand New Tube ( although it was a pale shadow when it resurfaced ). Has it yet again been memory holed ? I for one will attempt to live without this two edged sword of modern tech ,if they refuse us an alternative platform

Blue Sky or whatever your handle is you can call me a liar and then delete your comments but you won’t delete mine, when you do that you showed your true colors and dishonest nature. Again take a flying leap TROLL.

At the least. Should be for attempted/potential murder.

Take a hike put up you own video I haven’t seen any from you shill, I’ve try to be polite and respectful, but it appears all you want to do is incite division not seek truth, next time I won’t treat you with respect, flake off !

You are correct!!

Forcing or coercing anyone to inject or ingest something into their body against their will should be punished the same as rape.

These evil powers that should not be are very patient taking baby steps towards their Luciferian New World Order.

Good video for the newcomers who might just be awakening.

the premise is great but it needs new lyrics.

I would agree that they weave multiple webs of lies in every direction to throw us of track. I just happened to show a video for others like yourself to dissect and to discuss between members to find out what’s true and what’s not. I usually say if I believe something is true or not. Thanks for your comments.

CNN reporter says there are no large plane parts, only small parts that you can pick up with your hand. Video from Conscious Life News.

u vill drive nossing and be happy

The last name is spelled wrong in your link. This one works for me

One way or another it doesn’t matter, they are in the business of lying to us for their agendas, no plane hit the Pentagon whichbis the story they have made billions of people worldwide to believe.

Grainy but I believe this is what you’re looking for. It’s in my cloud, it’s clean.

All kinds of speculation, when the proof is right in front of the people’s eyes. Among many other points of evidence, no sign of the aluminum tube remains outside of the "crash" site. when a massive structure just disappears into a building, just like the twin towers, believers have watched too many Hollywood movies. rn