
OH how I miss those crappy 10th rate crisis actwhores on ScrewYouTube all those fake "shootings bomb attacks" Oh lets not forget the "truck attacks" some years back . Who ,compared to these jokers appear Oscar winners. And MAN! what freaky nerds they are, AND Do they still employ men these days as reporters, and not these media infested wymen /wimmin.

Double CC in KCCI = 33. It’s impossible to fake cry so I’m wondering what they used to make this Duping Delight purple haired ring nosed pin cushion cry? They do it in Hollywood all the time.

Bad acting all around . #fakeasfuck

This trash is comical . #fakeasfuck

Screw Ed O’Keefe CBS and everyone who serves them, they are ready to open the flood Gates with a slew of False Flags in their continued quest for gun control. They need American citizens disarmed because of all the totalitarian enactments coming down the pipe including the one’s against your body.

Yeah saw this come up on my computer hours ago but was preoccupied at the time, but the first thing that caught my attention was that there were virtual no students in the building so they could more easily pull off the hoax.

Jason man,, we gotta advertise 153. If all of us viewers got out on the street and handed out even a simple business type cards 153logo/ad/etc. Hand out in casual passings and conversation. It is cheap to get biz cards made. I think it could help, more viewers hence,, more donation. I am going to do it. Been in sales/biz 25yrs in a tough industry,, it works. Especially now that people are waking up. If you see an uptick coming from the Pac NW region you’ll know its from me ha ha.

Of course, Mandra. ;) I don’t really care if these women are in disguise - that is their personal choice. But, I always question the ’starlets’ who adopt all their children, and worse, who age incredibly horribly. It gets harder and harder to ignore over time.

Job well done.

Also, in the Talmud the verse Ketubot 11b:6 allows sex with 3 year olds. The verse says "Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing," .

I remember a black guy at work thinking out loud along those lines about what a hot dish Michael Obama was. Bwah ha ha ha ......... I’m tossing my cookies on that on BIG TIME.

Hi JBoss, I’m just dubbing some of these rare French/Spanish videos I find and then sharing them for people to make their minds up... I must say some of the Microscopy is impressive but can’t tell what is 100% may want to check this PDF I found on the Bluetooth experiment , it has all of the specs such as Linux and Kismet software as you’re the tech guy. rnI think a vaxxed guy on Twitter was trying to disprove the French field experiment but I didn’t have to time to show him all my clips.

I ask my sheep friends, "are you aware that the powers that be have openly stated that the world’s biggest problem is over population and we need to reduce population"?...............They usually say yeah I heard that. Then I ask "why would these same people who are Jews that think it’s ok for a Jew to kill a non Jew btw, rush to develop a vaccine to save lives"?......... Does that make any sense? I haven’t gotten a reasonable answer yet

Thanks bro, yes I posted some rough clips before but what happened is I have remastered the music to make it sharp and also I translated it from Spanish....I think I’m the only one who’s translated it! :)rnI’ve also translated a MAC address experiment video I’m going to upload

Boycott all GMO products

Hey Sadguyaru I have an idea,, how about we start the depopulation program with with you.

What an ugly world we live in.

Funny, "Taylor" Swift also did the same stuff with Tranny shows. Look at the square jaw on "Bully Boy". I want to track back how long they’ve been promoting trannies a women in Hollywood, Music and the fashion model industries. And think of all the guys whacking off thinking about having sex with these guys! Bwah ha ha ha ..........BTW, any suggestions as to "oldies but Goodies" is welcome.

Sandrogynous.. even the name is a dead giveaway.

Why is he pushing the vaccine when there is already way too many of us? Aren’t the vaccines “safe and effective” for saving lives? This man needs to be strung up by his balls and given about ten MRNA life saving jabs in a row.