
Trust no one that has their hand out asking for money. People will tell you what you want to hear for money just as the talking heads of the media will do the same. Money is the root of all evil for those stuck in materialism. The snakes have been at their mastered game far too long to ever quit. They transition, adapt, and adjust as needed, when needed. Them SOBs aren’t going anywhere.

I bet they will never say that drinking alcohol may cause heart attacks.

Thanks a ton for all your great info. We love this little lady!

God I hope and pray he is right

That guy in the van did well. Note that he was only speaking to an actor - this is literally as effective as challenging Anthony Hopkins over Watergate scandal. The fact his 3 henchmen quickly ushered him away was a beautiful way to end the script, just like a motorcade driving off into the sunset on a film. Leaves the audience with many thoughts, blaming the wrong guy will be a common such thought. Few if any, wonder "and who’s pulling his strings"

Very good content like always danger goy.

i have found he has a history and was on a percussion team with his brother that was run by his grandmother. This may be the basis for him being on some movie/film/acting sites but I’m not sure exactly why he is on those sites now. Maybe he is on these sites so people doing searches would make claims he was an actor. This point is taking note of Vivian’s caution. Anything said about Aaron would have to be well proven in order to be useful.


Thank You Sir for Posting !


they are not back over there I hope!

his has his light blue mask and white shirt, the colors of the fake state that likes to kill people

The AI fire effects appear to be within the reach of editing tools. There are several aspects that make his identity untrustworthy. His life and death were already updated on two film/movie/actor websites -- those updates were within 3 days of the event. However, he has not been identified with any roles in that industry. Next, everyone in his family was listed as related to (or friends with) a woman at a religious press but only Aaron is missing from that. References to social media for him are done using feminine pronouns.

Great job Coop. Good find.

I didn’t pay much attention to the video early on since one of the key signs of a fake event is that its magically captured on video, or supposedly live streamed like this one. The New Zealand mosque mass shooting hoax was also live streamed and so was the Buffalo supermarket mass shooting hoax. What’s remarkable is that in the still of Aaron supposedly on fire in the link provided by Urkrakin Phil he looks translucent. Maybe if they got the third guy in the video to do the video editing he could make Aaron look less translucent. At any rate, the main point of the video is that the video editing technology is already out there to pull this kind of stuff off. Thanks for commenting.

He is using a commercially available piece of software. If you have ever been in the military or associated with the military then you will know they have many tools and technologies that the private sector does not have access to or even knowledge of. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.

I take it her fav is chicken washed down with watemelon juice. Or is it just another case of one cow being jealous of the other cow. She might just be Lebron James in drag. Jus sayin.

I believe Mayor Eric Adams belongs to The Masons because of a recent induction ceremony, or the Boule society, and would naturally recruit those who would do his bidding.

That’s exactly why I added that falling statue background

Yes, I think at one point I left a suggestion in the comment section to do the same. Do you have any suggestions as to how we might try to convince him do that? I will send him another email and also leave him another comment in the comment section on his website.