
Staged bullshit.

Trump said of a married woman he was trying to hit on while he was married, "YOU JUST GRAB THEM BY THE WOOKIE (a name I came up with so women didn’t have to hear the P**** word) AND THEY WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A ROCK STAR" TRUMP IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, JUST LIKE PEDOPHILE CREEPY UNCLE JOE BIDEN.

the way they’re ridiculing in the Media, some people might not believe they do

He DED 6/29/21

you got it SO right. No safe. No opening the register. Just 2 plastic bags already on the floor just sitting there waiting for the employee to just grab and hand to the guy. Cops not taking cover but standing straight up and firing. Yep...gotta be real! Next time I do a robbery I will have to call ahead of time so they have all the money nicely wrapped up for me too!

Thanks for mentioning me. After watching so many of these "events" for the last 20-30 years or get a gut-feeling about them. Glad to see I wasn’t alone in my thinking. (even ’tho I was called a everyone is allowed an opinion. it’s all good.)

Jew Trump................head of warp speed, get the shot it’s good, and of course we’re going to take the firearm first then go to court after a phony school shooting.

Apparently Donald Rumsfeld has never seen this clip.

Sponsored by Pfizer, pushed by The Scottish Rite and Swiss Octogon, re The Masons.. A good video re the Masonic hierarchy, lets us know who’s top from the beginning and has Putin red handed (after 3:00m) and Trump (after 20;00m)... There’s a music middle section, but it gets back to the point...

Of course they do.

i feel the same no sympathy for this ass hole, branding truthers nutters, now look where he is.

i will look her up thanks

You are so clueless it’s pitiful. Of course, Biden is a pedophile, like Trump and most of the rest of these sociopaths. Trump and Epsteins Black Bookrn

Trump Paid 30 million to Settle Child Rape Casesrn

Punkin Pie, you are about to be humbled, as one of Trump’s chumps should be. You’re obviously still in the Matrix. By the time I finish with you, you’ll either wake the fuck up, or run away, and I’l never hear from you again. You stumbled into a place where you’ll hear the truth, like it or not. How about I start with the fact that Trump has settled at least SIX child rape cases out of court for million of dollars. You do know Epstein had 13 phone numbers to get a hold of his good friend Trump. I’m gonna have some fun tonight!

Stop with this crap. Honestly, we just now want him back as Prez. PS: no NEW wars, actually basically no military crap, our country was much better off. If you do not like him, please do a brief 1 minute video on who you want as prez, because right now, it is between pedo biden and Trump. I will take Trump!! And he will win. So putting up this garbage is just a waste of time. Are you even American? What is your age? What do you do for work? Who do you live with? What are your hobbies and life experiences? Ah - just what I thought. Now - tell us why you support Joe Biden killing babies in Gaza. And wiping out the entire culture and country of Ukraine. Thanks.

Memphis Tennessee Action News5 Journalist Amanda Hanson is Dead.

Did y’all miss this one, 38 years old talking head ceased to exist........

I think he was holding his own until the whole church joined in. The preacher or the priest, or whoever he was started it.

Michael Winner the Director of the Death Wish Franchise movies.