
I think he was holding his own until the whole church joined in. The preacher or the priest, or whoever he was started it.

Michael Winner the Director of the Death Wish Franchise movies.

Ivanka didn’t have to ‘convert cause she had a Jewish mother

Much love to the Boss family! We can’t do it without YOU.

Hair Force One

Anyone Remember Death Wish with Charles Bronson and all it’s sequel’s commencing in 1971, and how the vigilante helped curb the crime problem in the subways and New York City as a whole? By the way Michael Winner a Jew that had a solution to the crime problem in NYC, How does that strike ya?

TSA is exactly what came to mind when I saw this.

Strange. As you know, that is not a link, therefor I cannot click on it - so when I search < The Case of the Poisonous Pigs> I get a whole lot of quite interesting results which have nothing to do with Nick Sheridan nor a book of that name.

I like Ceased To Exist better than Passed Away signifying their inevitable trip to purgatory. Interesting as i view this clip it states 666 views. 5 is 6 and three of those make 666......;)

You’re DEAD. That’s as REAL as it gets.

Police state is the end game - EVERYWHERE. They’ll have us all policing each other with camera doorbells and dashboard cameras...and whilst (their organised) crime is rampant, they’ll have the sheep baying for more government restrictions.

Perfect ending for an arrogant asshole. You won’t be missed.....I only wonder how many people took the FrankenVaxx because of you.

At this point it should go without saying, however i’m going to say it anyway. The vaccines and man made pathogens are just one of many ways they have used past and present to control population growth. However, now with the advances in technology, they do not need as many slaves (gentiles) to sustain their own well being. Therefore, what we are experiencing is a mass acceleration of depopulation for their not so new green agenda, their belief of returning the earth to green pastures. Little do they know, more akin to embrace, that the fire and brimstone will most certainly leave them to dwell amongst sulfur and ash. It is said, it is true, it is done.

The Case of the Poisonous Pigs.......:).....

Ha ha ha. Too funny. Keystone Cops and low-IQ 9-1-1- operator. And if I were going into a store to rob it, I would definitely carry a yuge rifle (without aiming it at anyone) instead of a pistol that I could conceal and then whip out. Wouldn’t you?

Saturn being our problem. The sun is, now, in Saturn. These psychopaths think that they can recreate an antediluvian age of perfect man/god - ie them. Btw, it wasn’t Saturn that devoured its children. It was Mars.

As that queen Freddie Mercury once said...Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust (yeah) Hey, I’m gonna get you too Another one bites the dust

Very hard to believe that there has been a "recent surge" in subway crimes in NYC. There are always subway crimes in NYC, all the time and constantly. It is rare to take the subway and not see something illegal or at least awful going on. This is just an augmentation of the police state, with NYC being the testing ground as usual.

Naw, it couldn’t be from the vaccine? it had to be from covid which the vaccine didn’t protect him from. RIGHT ?

So grateful I was able to escape from NY.