
Startled that Jim Fetzer has done what appears to be an about face on Trump, but is it genuine? And then shilling for Mike Adams who JB has called a Satanist, and I wish Jim would pick his nose instead of making what appears to be the 666 hand signs all the way through the program, is it just a coincidence? If Trump or Biden were to do that viewer’s here and everywhere else would be calling them both out. The best predictive programming 911 clip or meme if you will in my opinion is the Supertramp Breakfast in America Album released in 1979 when reversed shows 911 at the top of the Twin Towers

Yea I know right? It’s unreal!

Crazy shit. I had seen the 911 bill folding stuff before. But my question is why doesn’t he do this BEFORE shit happens?

You can only see that on a $20 bill.

There are about 350 Jews in all of South Dakota. That means there is 1 Jew for every 2558 non Jews, in her state. Despite that, the well named "Whore", goes all out to sell her soul to the "Synagogue of Satan". Makes me want to vomit. And she was one of the best governors regarding following the BS19 mandates. But then again, so was DeSantis.

What are the odds of a dog named NOLA which stands for New Orleans Louisiana would have a fleur de-lis on her butt? She was named NOLA when she was a day old puppy and grew up to have a natural coat with the iconic symbol of New Orleans on her booty.

I also correlate that to what they did to Lahaina.

Funny i recently read up and refreshed on some history. The current Gaza genocide, killing the Palestinians off and pushing them into the sea is the same thing they claim happened to them as early as the 1400s in Spain. Same old playbook.

33rd governor of S.D. (sucking di*k) ...........

Glenn Amendment (22 USC 2799aa-1(b)): The Glenn Amendment cuts off a wide range of assistance and trade to any non-nuclear-weapon state that the president determines: received a nuclear explosive device; detonated a nuclear explosive device (even with a very low nuclear yield); or sought and received design information or components for the development of such a device. The sanctions are as follows:rnrntermination of assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act, except for humanitarian assistance or food or other agricultural commodities;rntermination of defense sales and licensing of Munitions List exports;rntermination of foreign military financing;rndenial of U.S. government credit, credit guarantees, or other financial assistance (except for medical and humanitarian assistance and agricultural exports from the United States);rnU.S. government opposition to any loan or financial or technical assistance from international financial institutions (IFIs);rnprohibition of any loan or credit from U.S. banks to the foreign government (except for the purchase of food or other agricultural commodities); andrnprohibition under the Export Administration Act of exports to that state of specific goods and technology licensed by the Commerce Department (except for food and other agricultural commodities). rnThe Glenn Amendment has no waiver provision for detonation or receipt of a nuclear explosive device. Congress would have to enact new legislation authorizing the president to waive some or all of these sanctions. (For transfers of design information or components, the president may waive if “the application of such sanctions against such country would have a serious adverse effect on vital U.S. interests.”)rnrnArms transfer sanction: The Arms Export Control Act (22 USC 2753(f)) bans sales or leases of defense articles to any country that the president determines has materially breached binding commitments to the United States under international agreements concerning nonproliferation of nuclear explosive devices and unsafeguarded special nuclear material. There is no waiver provision. (This sanction does not ban munititions list licenses for nongovernmental sales.)rnrnForeign assistance sanction: No U.S. assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act may be provided to any non-nuclear-weapon state that the president determines has terminated, abrogated, or materially violated its full-scope safeguards agreement with the IAEA or materially violated its bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States (22 USC 2429a-2). The president may waive if terminating assistance “would be seriously prejudicial to the achievement of United States nonproliferation objectives or otherwise jeopardize the common defense and security.”

Stupid Zionist Shill for Israel, they hate all Americans and Christians, and can’t wait till these useful idiots are beheaded.

Y’all know there are laws on the books about and in regards to prohibiting U.S. aid to countries who refused to sign the nuclear no-proliferation treaty? Jews even refuse to acknowledge they have nuclear weapons. Lying ass snakes need to be decapitated.

Kill this 33rd commie whore first then.



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Just one more bizarre story. Like being in a cattle car peeping out a hole, and witnessing the liberating tanks roll into the "death Camp". Few question why anyone would be in a cattle car at that point in time. We’re all supposed to accept any foolish, rambling story about the hollowcause.

Those cars in the parking lot had no holes that he was sandwiched between- The white BMW I was watching

Mixing Machine. Now that is a new one for me