
Same as most of these outraged youtube shills "exposing" the injustice are just advertising the tyranny, rubbing our noses in it.

Chubby’s back!

I’m sure you’re just being sarcastic, the military is full of tranny’s and rump rangers and full blown Satanists, Rachel Levine Transgender or Michael Aquino high ranking Satanist who was in charge of a mind control program within the military, does any of that ring a bell?

The key word is additional, you won’t have to pay additional extortion money, and a whore behind Biden, there are multiple one’s who’s faces keep changing as does their party affiliations, I only hope and pray that I can be there when Americans have finally had enough and decide to take the law into their own hands, and rightly so. As far as Biden goes and his fiery speech, his handlers probably gave him a triple dose of adrenochrome to get him hopped up, as What’s Her Face has recently acknowledged, we are witnessing the collapse of the empire.

It seems like he just read read 2022’s script in 2023 and added a few things in 2024. Why write a new speech when you can use the same one over and over again and most people won’t notice a thing.

Good video...................just can’t stand listening to that asshole and seeing that whore behind him. The state of the union has become a complete joke.

I didn’t know the military allowed men to wear ear rings.

Yes..............I remember showing folks this with the $20. And of course they thought I was nuts.

This man probably saved Lois of lives. Such a brave and honorable man. May Yah protect and Bless Him! Fighting for life and saving people.

We were in a plandemic and you are one blind and foolish SOB.

Yet he hates the US Constitution. What a hypocrite.

No politician is worth the air they breath. They all flip as soon as they get in office. If they are against constitutional free speech then they are communists, aka traitors.

JEWS are 100% in control, not Scots, or English, Welsh or anyone else.

Israel is murdering the residents of Gaza, not Bidet. rnAnd Jew Putin is "wiping out" Ukraine, not Bidet. rnBOTH political parties and the state department are 100% controlled by Jews YOU IDIOT. rnNow go away Trumptard Jew.

Yep. DeSantis and more recently Brian Kemp are vying for the good goy of the year award.

I can vaguely see what you are pointing out, I only wish it was larger or from a YouTube clip or linked so it could be enlarged by spreading it, but you don’t have to convince me as I have seen all the others previously, but the mask thing with 2020 is a new twist. Denis Healey said world events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, and most of them are staged or managed by those that hold the purse strings.

Startled that Jim Fetzer has done what appears to be an about face on Trump, but is it genuine? And then shilling for Mike Adams who JB has called a Satanist, and I wish Jim would pick his nose instead of making what appears to be the 666 hand signs all the way through the program, is it just a coincidence? If Trump or Biden were to do that viewer’s here and everywhere else would be calling them both out. The best predictive programming 911 clip or meme if you will in my opinion is the Supertramp Breakfast in America Album released in 1979 when reversed shows 911 at the top of the Twin Towers

Yea I know right? It’s unreal!

Crazy shit. I had seen the 911 bill folding stuff before. But my question is why doesn’t he do this BEFORE shit happens?

You can only see that on a $20 bill.