
This simple home built emp device (silent and deadly) will take out any drone. Thieves can even use it to thwart the delivery protocol coming about that’s aimed at putting more people out of work. It can even be used to eliminate masses of people attacking you. It’s basically simple. Use a 9 volt battery to power the repackaged components of a tazer, 55k volt output of the tazer power the input pulses to the magnatron(no capacitors needed) out of a microwave. The EM waves are directed through aluminum tube(for weight savings) to it’s intended target, the drone. It cooks the electronics in the drone and it falls to the ground. It’s really simple.

You obviously get it, CHEERS!

I am Legend is a spin off of the 1971 movie The Omega Man with Charlton Heston where he discovered a vaccine that could save the planet from a deadly virus, at one point one of those that haven’t been killed yet says "Christ you could save the world" how’s that for predictive programming in a time when man is trying to become God and is awaiting a worldly Messiah? World War Z soon followed Legend with a similar plot with Brad Pitt injecting himself with an experimental vaccine to save humanity, watch for a King Charles Kate Middleton Psyop which will have the Sheeple getting in line for the new cancer cure which will save them both. but not humanity, ha ha ha!

This is right out of the movie "I Am Legend". People were injected with a "cancer cure" that turned them into Zombies.

Absolutely. My pleasure.

Thank you for covering this obvious hoax !

Nero was said to have set fire to ancient Rome while he fiddled ( or played the Lyre ) and then blamed it on Christians, history always repeats itself.

Surprised not to see Hezbollah and swastikas painted on the rifle like they did in the New Zealand mosque fake shooting, all terrorist paint their rifles before they are captured shot or blow themselves up....... RIGHT?

Russia is 33 years old since the USSR ended in 1991.

Thanks my man.

Ha. Gotta love the guys in the hazmat suits.

The Masonic symbolism is everywhere in hoax on 322

False preacher, and living off the fatted cow, and it shows.

Yes that too! And the US is sending tons of money and weaponry to Ukraine to defeat Russia and save our Democracy, and yet would notify Russia of an eminent terrorist attack which both side are a part of, total hoax with a lot of empty seats.

There is video on this site that shows alleged blood.

The place is practically empty compared to the number of seats. And nothing going on on stage? No vendors in the lobby? They could hardly sell any tickets to the event, but sat the few who bought tickets in the upper level? Weird stuff… good time for a selfie walk-and-talk TikTok video! Lol

To be fair, there would have to be a starting point and the tracks do lead towards the doors everyone is leaving through. I’m on my phone so maybe on a bigger screen you can see the direction of the prints.

What better way to sell Christians on the Great Reset than telling them it is inevitable.

CNN put the death toll today (Saturday 3/23/24) at 133.

CNN put the death toll today (Saturday 3/23/24) at 133.