
Love your enemy will surely get you killed. Foolish thing to say.

The few scenes where they show what is alleged to be rifle fire sparks are flying out of these prop guns like sparklers, and what is supposed to be bullet impacts show the same thing. Only in make believe and in the movies.

I tell bootlickers that blindly back all the blue to go to you tube on some rainy weekend and type in bad cops. After 72 hours of watching videos get back to me. And realize that these are just the folks that had a camera to record and took the time to put it on you tube. You can just imagine how many more bad cops there are that we don’t see.

It’s definitely their religion. Judah was the 4th son of Jacob. They were called Hebrews before they started calling them Jews. Jews only represent a single tribe. Judaism is definitely a religion of darkness.

Depends on which day of the week it is for these serpents.

The Police deserve everything they get, I’m not concerned about good cops, the bushel of bad cops will turn them rotten, these same police denied American citizens their constitutional rights during the Scamdemic and I for one will never forgive or forget, the will be coming back in force again with a new Scamdemic to deny you of your rights.

I believe one of the shots might’ve come from the seat underneath the president. The mobsters use to use these rounds in the cars and they would go off from underneath the seat. And I did see a picture of a hole in the backseat from the bottom. No doubt there was a shot that came from the front because there was a hole In the windshield. Also, Jason Bossman is one of my heroes too. Thank you Gary, and thank you Dr. Fetzer you both have a big fan here in Mid Missouri.

Is Judaism a race or is it a religion?

There are some definite connections. It seems that Moderna is just a private front for DARPA to develop the final iterations of the weapon/communication system. Today we know that the vaccines contain advanced nanotechnology that communicate through Blue Tooth Low Energy and has depopulation capability. So its a two fold function of the system, to thus control and manipulate the public while achieving the desired goals of depopulation. It all ties into the overall Agenda of securing the tangible resources in the hands of the Elite, and creating more efficient human workers. The Elite consider the public to be among those tangible resources, because they consider themselves as human farmers.

It takes one of them running into a "bad cop", to get them to wake up.

Peggy Hall Interview - HOW TO WIN IN COURT-- WITHOUT A LAWYER! -

This is when you need to have your attorney (or you) file for a change of venue. I’m doing this course right now because my defense attorney, in a case where I was clearly the victim, has colluded with the police and DA, to trying to intimidate me into copping a "no contest" plea. If this actually goes to to trial, I’m going to file for a "change of Venue". I first saw this Lawyer on a Peggy Hall video. I did my due diligence on him and he’s the real deal. If someone knows this guy, they should forward this to him. . Frankly, this is information we should all know. That way, you will never have to worry about a corrupt attorney.


Nephue’s whife’s mother just died today of turbo cancer. They will continue to die. Very Sad Indeed!!

I would surmise that this "attack" was organized and carried out by the same perps as with 9/11 - Israel/Mossad + US intel and deep state + UK intel and deep state and with Ukraine now added in. Of course with some Russian deep state traitors helping out from the inside. By "carried out" I mean staged, filmed, and then the concert hall burned. Everyone is acting like it is real, including Putin (or should I say "Putin"), even though they all know it was staged, and now they are all trying to adjust the spin to benefit the respective parties.rn

What you say has allot of merit. A top priority of that latest moon shot, should have been a clear non-fisheye shot of the earth. Alas, it was not to be, these fools are hiding something. Thanks for your well thought comment.

Yes it’s getting late in the hour, we desperately need all of your help!

That one came to mind for me too.

It’s flat !!! 100%

Fake as can be. No one gets through the firmament. And no one definitely lands on the moon. If it is inside the firmament, it seems to be transparent. in my personal opinion, I think they faked the moon missions to hide the Flat Earth. It was the first time we had ever went high enough to take a real picture from space of the so called globe. The moon landings were an IQ test for America and unfortunately a lot of America failed it. Love the channel.