
By the way, can’t you feel Trump’s deafening silence, on the Israeli / Netanyahu issue?

I agree for the most part, but what we do here on 153, is to look for inconsistencies and hypocrisy the best we can, based on what we think we currently know. Trump is very ineffective as far as his promises to the faithful deluded, and full of hypocrisy. His second presidency will not deflect from your conclusion at all. The inevitable you mention, will still take place unless something else happens. The only positive outcome is, there won’t be a third Trump delusion.

His "ineffectiveness" is not a lack of effectiveness. He is very effective doing what he has been tasked to do because he is playing out the part assigned to him. All the rest is propaganda to add confusion and mislead people away from the inescapable conclusion of a planned depopulation program and destruction of America.

I’ll look into that. I must have missed India’s space race.

I don’t know for sure about the belts, or most other things. I’ve never been there. I do think we’re not being told the truth about space travel, past or future.


Yes, Trump is a high-ranking member of the club, as many of my previous videos clearly show. It is interesting how the different characters in the middle of all this interact. It appears while most everyone focused on bad guy Fauci for the most part, there was a bigger creature hiding in the bush. Sometimes it’s good to examine the past. To take a look at the logistics used against the people, even in hindsight. I think, this video, more than being the agreed upon deflection away from Trump’s covid culpability, highlights his ineffectiveness as a leader, which is far more conclusive. What happened to "you’re fired", when it came to Birx? Trump clearly disagreed with her policy.

I really appreciate the work of Dr. Makis, but this documentary is pure propaganda to deflect responsibility from Trump to Birx in the hopes of absolving Trump in the minds of the American sheep who no longer support him because he spearheaded the covid jab depopulation program. The idea of Trump being duped about the economic and social impact of the policies, the impact of vaccines, or not realizing he was violating the Constitution isn’t remotely credible. He is part of the club. He has also promoted gun confiscation, continues to support the death jabs, supports the genocide in Gaza, and so on. Any analysis of the nonexistent covid pandemic that doesn’t start with the assumption that it was a planned depopulation program and effort to collapse America into global totalitarian control is misguided at best.

Great find!

Are we really that F**king stupid on 153, that we still think anyone who thinks Biden is an idiot, must be wearing a MAGA hat? You gotta be sh**tin me.

Read the description, I covered that. I intended for this video to be just a clarification and doesn’t endorse Trump or the idea that Covid was real. That really should go without saying in the 153 venue. It’s just an interesting look at the politics and foolishness of government, that’s all.

Are we 100% sure that the Van Allen radiation belts even exist. My guess is no, the radiation gave us an excuse for not going back.

This was infinetely better than the crap that came out of India.

Brother, Trump is owned by the Rothschild’s. He played the role he was assigned to play.

When you see vermin or cockroaches there are many more that go undetected.

As Biden had stated in a clip from C-SPAN, those of white Anglo European heritage will become a minority, less than 50%, and that’s a good thing and it’s where we derive our strength. We are serving them and that should enrage Americans, but they didn’t protest the shutdowns during covid, nothing will change America is TOAST.

Yeah that is so insane.

Crocus = Croak US

Jews playing possum trying to provoke nuclear war between the US and Russia obviously.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Darwin and Hitler were both correct.