
Voting is real, alright. it’s just rigged and means nothing. However, I’m obliged to vote within a couple weeks to prevent a 30% increase in my property taxes. Another scam and also, painfully real.

I now believe it was intentional for these reasons.rn1) It steamed up until point of impact as seen on the long video. Lights were shut off long before impact to make it look like loss of power. Repowered and then shut off again to give the illusion.rn2) Captain called in the mayday 2 minutes prior to impact saying loss of main propulsion yet it was still steaming at same speed as evidenced by the black smoke.rn3) The single diesel engine/jacking gear combination is mechanical with very little electrical controls so it obviously can run independent as we see it did by steaming.rn4) Rudder system has a mechanical ’ secondary con’ we call it for loss of electrical power situations.rn5) Ship probably has stern and bow thrusters independent of main propulsion.rn6) Ship is most certainly anchored at point of impact now and surely could have dropped anchor.rn7) Remember playing London Bridge is falling down as a kid, this is The Star Spangled Banner bites the dust. It will get rebuilt (past due and much needed too the WTC) by Biden Admin being renamed MLK or something because he is behind it, problem, reaction, solution.rn8) The financial impact of the forced sale and loss of revenue for what they are doing to TikTok a common denominator of Singapore/CCP financial hit. Biden plays both sides on it.rn9) Dali the name of the ship, mockery as the dalai lama, a unifying symbol or gesture towards smoothing over this financial rife between the US and China especially since the old and new steel has china written all over it.rnSum it up, yep not an accident.

This Joe Biden is played by Tim Allen believe it or not

History = His Story = LIES

Could it have ties with the forced sale of tiktok being both involved in Singapore and CCP?

Remember playing London Bridge is Falling Down as a kid? This the Star Spangled Banner bites the dust.

All of these comments make me sick you all think voting is real c’mon now the USA is a corporation do some simple research and the truth is there. trump is a sellout all these countries take shots from the Vatican they made the illuminati the freemasons the Jesuit order even the so called Jews are the fall guys for the Vatican who use them remember back in the day there were no j’s lastly this voting stuff courts laws ect come from the Caucasian druids who also gave you Hollywood

Nobody said that. Relax. I think 99% of the people here on 153, know that ALL of them are controlled, and play the role they’re assigned.

Nice video. Thanks for plugging 153.

Trump, with his gigantic ego, actually thought he was going to be calling the shots as President. I watched as this was proven wrong in increments. This film details one aspect of his fall from (what he assumed would be his) power. But the absolute bottom was Operation Warp Speed. Let’s see an investigation into how he became the champion of this mass murder operation. He was an anti-vaxxer to begin with. Yes, he was playing the role assigned to him, but the part he would play was not fully revealed to him immediately. This occurred in stages, and only at the end of the game did he completely buckle. If they let him win in 2024, he will be the Pied Piper.

I fail to be convinced because at 0:10 - 0:16 the feet draw a red flag to me propping itself up on it’s heels like that, totally abnormal, at this angle an actor could easily be hiding behind the corner at the (if) dummy’s feet ready to pull the fishing line to make it appear to stretch it’s legs out on it’s own as seen at 0:16. Possible this same hidden actor could have rolled the body over by the feet as the camera frame was limited on the right side for some reason.

Thanks for all your time and attention, ATWAS. And hey, fake Palestinian goofballs, it’s Allahu Akbar, not Allah Akbar. This whole "attack" is so amateurish I don’t know how anyone can believe it actually occurred.

Yeah Biden’s not stupid even though I say dumb stupid ass son.of a bitch all the time, he knows exactly what he is doing.and is playing the part of a brain dead senile ole bastard, and that’s why the stupid sheeple will fell sorry for him and forgive him saying he had good intentions when he took office he just didn’t have enough time, now it’s time for Kamel Hair Ass to take the reigns.

Right on Brother, but the backstabbing in the white house is fun to watch. What came to mind when Pence said, "pull it"?

I have read the majority of comments before making my own, and have listened to the video, but to think that Trump was somehow deceived, is ridiculous, Trump is on the team and knew exactly what he was doing as he was and is a part of the whole stinking swamp, hang them all.

Sounds like just another blame game to avoid accountability which I saw routinely in the federal government. Should be called the feral government as they have many feral cats who pretend to be humans. This feral government stinks worse than an outhouse. There response when a stray comes along is extremely nasty as I still experience their manifestations daily.

By the way, can’t you feel Trump’s deafening silence, on the Israeli / Netanyahu issue?

I agree for the most part, but what we do here on 153, is to look for inconsistencies and hypocrisy the best we can, based on what we think we currently know. Trump is very ineffective as far as his promises to the faithful deluded, and full of hypocrisy. His second presidency will not deflect from your conclusion at all. The inevitable you mention, will still take place unless something else happens. The only positive outcome is, there won’t be a third Trump delusion.

His "ineffectiveness" is not a lack of effectiveness. He is very effective doing what he has been tasked to do because he is playing out the part assigned to him. All the rest is propaganda to add confusion and mislead people away from the inescapable conclusion of a planned depopulation program and destruction of America.

I’ll look into that. I must have missed India’s space race.