
I watched a video with her being interviewed by Steve Bannon (swamp creature) and she was talking about America collapsing with Biden at the helm, and there was no place left to go she had to slip in that t Trump was our life raft. These controlled opps people are everywhere.

Yes I’ve come to that conclusion as well, was it all planned, did anyone actually die? we saw vehicles plunge with the bridge, but were they occupied? were any of those wonderful immigrants workers real? we have seen them create people out of thin.air that never really existed at all.

I support the Charlie Hebdo Effect for them all.

It was said the bridge was being worked on, preped for demolition is more like it could they have timed it so no one died? Do we know that these wonderful immigrants that came here for a better life and would do dangerous work that lazy Americans wouldn’t do are actually real or exist?.All I know is that I smell a stinking story being formulated.

Yeah numbers regularly used in Occult ceremonies and Numerology, unfortunately many still don’t buy it.

3 6 9 the magic numbers

A discussion talked about the difference between a Psyop and False Flag in that during a False Flag people die. We are being told that people died but do we really know that? We saw vehicles fall from the bridge, but do we really know that people were in those vehicles just because The bought and paid for MSM said so. As in a Psyop where no one does like Sandy Hook, could they have pulled this off without anyone dieing? it is not beyond the realm of possibilities that those vehicles were driverless or remotely operated? Yes it sounds crazy but again we have no proof either way other than what they tell us and I know our government will kill it’s citizens for an agenda. The only other thing I would add is that we are living in an age of deception and all view should be open to scrutiny until we actually know for sure what the truth is

Anyone that has worked IRandD knows that almost all new technology was defined, invented, and refined for decades before it becomes anywhere near common knowledge. The spook factories make their nefarious versions first, then they allow a seemingly benign version to be released to industry once it can’t be hidden any longer. It is at this point that the 60 minutes and other opinion forming shows give the public their first look at ’cute robots’ or ’cool AI’. Meanwhile in the last several decades, they captured every documented human on the planet with their own digital twin in a giant simulation running ’monte-carlo-like’ analyzes for expected public responses to mysterious planned events, voting predictions, support for war, ..., etc. This is how they know that the public will not oppose their actions. Magic? is a digital crystal ball.

We are still about $160 to get our main bills and I got stuck with a huge bill for the coder who helped lead the upgrade.

Great video...are they going to use this event to blame Russia now for cyber attack...I first heard Lara Logan mention Cyber Attack and first thing I thought of was "Leave the World Behind"...

good description, I like that "Sheeple Bleating" lol

The media if that’s what they are? their silence is deafening, plus all the Sheeple in the room bleating to shut this guy up so they can be fed MSM excrement.

Yeah me too!

Yes, I know. It is also hard to gauge because the total amount is not always updated with each contribution. I hope we will make it this month.

The only reason I raised that question is because the number at the top of the page is different than what Trutherertz said, stating only a couple of hundred away, but thanks.

Check the bar at the top of the site. You can also click on "Help Support Us" to get the exact amount contributed so far for each month.

Just happened to be a construction crew there that had been "working " on the bridge. Just like the twin towers......................go figure.

This Nanno Tec is real. Smart Dust were are all breathing in. The graphine oxide (black goo) in our food air and water. These are self assembling nanno bots. I am sure everyone has seen the videos of the special juice that they were injecting into people! And how it self assembles. Tony can show you how to make a tri field he called his triangle EMP device. It would be safe it’s only 15 volts and I believe the spike is the same. I believe he says not to use if weak heart or pace maker.. Kim has miracle bath oil. She claims is higher frequency and will pull them out! She says people have seen black goo come out of their bodies during bathing !!

Lookoutfa Charlie has been talking about this for since forever.