When I ran linux some years ago I believed that my small server could almost entirely be secured with the ipchains service and also with refusing rlogin requests or course. However, I guess it might be more complicated now - but don’t run Linux as much nowadays anyway. Thanks for the efforts to thwart bile censorship on those woe begotten platforms of the mainstream servers.
YouTube is getting so censored may have to purchased a kippah... to be able to log in...
well they have to be there, they don’t get a chance to wear their fluffy hats at the lodge if they don’t play the game.
i am wondering what the shipping container was used for.
Awesome that you saved Peekay’s stuff, this one is the best in the Stockholm fabricated event series. This one you can even wake up dead people with. My favorite.rn
"The name of the app is Jack’d, and I got jacked," said Hansen
OMG check this out...rn’ve set up a go fraud me for him to ‘get him home’ after his car-jacking! rn
OMG check this out...rn’ve set up a go fraud me for him to ‘get him home’ after his car-jacking! rn
This was a super super good interview!
Thanks again for all you are doing , we really appreciate not waking up to another account terminated by Google and watching our work go down the drain . Everything we do will always be posted here first !
I have this stored local. If want me to post it or just get tim here, PM me.
Enter the trolls. lol. Am there man.. best wishes..
How dare you slander the great stick people. Suggesting they would be involved in one of these massive psychological terror and charity fraud drills. No wonder those worthless pos ahole scum sucken sh!bag gootube whores keep violating peoples right to free speech. You are obviously an anti stickite, who has no idea of how these people have been mistreated. Gday.
There is actually footage or pictures of them assembling or resetting the stones in the early 1900’s. There are a number of pictures showing what appears to be a square or rectangular steel form in the middle of one of the stones. Certainly suggests to me that they are not stones, likely nothing more than mortar formed to look like stones. Obviously there are many layers of deception with this place. Most likely nothing more than a tourist trap.
I will try it. Thanks for watching.
153news is happy to have you and that goes for everyone. You guys are all the unsung heros of a war most have idea we are in. If we lose, history will erase us. If we win, you guys are all the soldiers who brought us through this fight. Again super glad to have ya all.
Total Banana skin.
Peekay !
Great work !
that logo reminds me a lot of the one used by the campaign against antisemitism...